Watch Santa Clarita Diet, it has a few of your requirements.
Watch Santa Clarita Diet, it has a few of your requirements.
He understood.
It’s super effective!
I picked up at least 2 (maybe 3) religious references. Is she trying to say that she is a God?
Great article! Would love to see this for TCG as well, but I know Kotaku is about video games. Also, the card meta-game can be super complex, but I think both the video game and TCG have their fair share of oddities that make them challenging on a competitive level.
Donkey Kong Donkey Kong?
Awesome to see Link’s Awakening so high up there. This was actually my first introduction to the series, followed by LTTP. Never had Zelda or Link for NES, but I played the crap out of LA on original GameBoy (when my mom wasn’t playing Tetris). It was challenging and rewarding and thank you for putting it in the top 2.
Yeah, I already have one of these at home. Granted it cost WAY more than $300 but fuck if I need another one; which were getting in April anyways.
Now if they would actually put some power in one of their minivans....OH WAIT!
Smell can play a surprisingly important role in the VR landscape. I like the fact that they went all out and included that sense. I imagine it would feel incomplete without it.
Do you play your 3DS or WiiU more? Its essentially the same game, go for the system you play more often. I rarely play my WiiU (my 2 year old loves to touch the screen when I “try” and play while she is in the room) but I play my 3DS all the time before bed.
But with the WiiU version, you don’t have to pass through already played stages and can just walk right to the one you are looking to play/replay. That seems more intuitive.
I think she is making far too much money to be relegated to the TODAY show, period. That show is garbage.
I have always upheld the belief that Coach Shachefski always looks like he would have the worst coffee breath.
Smug little Alolan Raichu just glides along on his own tail. Hell, All Alolan Pokemon appear to be generally smug. Take Alolan Meowth (and Persian for that matter), that little cat just oozes smugness.
But is the Whopper Jr. too small? No.
Not Bra related, but screw t-shirt sizes. I swear a Large I would have bought in late 1990's, early 2000's is a 3XL in todays world. I used to say, “I am a pure smedium size” Now I find that “Medium” shirts have heinously shrunk in size, especially the sleeves.
Fair enough. My old ass phone gets me by and I don’t want to shell out $$$ for anew one just yet.