This looks very FoMoCo.
This looks very FoMoCo.
I don’t mind the front in this version. The lower level trims, the front is hideous. There aren no excuses for the back, however. It just lacks any visual cohesion, IMO.
Patience. They’re just gonna make the Detective Pikachu movie instead.
I swear he also has short term memory loss. Those Rockets, always finding a way to trick the little twerp.
Yes. Please.
Stay safe, Justin. I watched the frenzied footage on the local news and it seemed absolutely crazy. Everything from the man beaten in the parking deck to the reporters being pushed around...I have lived here all 31 years of my life and have never witnessed fury like this.
I live in Charlotte and in all honesty, I am surprised that this kind of chaos has not happened before with the other instances of Police on African American violence. Reports this morning are a lot of looting of the stores around the Epicentre and Spectrum Center (Old TWC Arena). It seems calm now, but I am curious…
This new-old art is killer. There are already those getting the Japanese set and they look fabulous.
1x Bypass Chip required
Grade: LP
Yeah, he has stuck to his belief on this issue for so long, that it’s too late to save any face whatsoever. Cooper will win this race, but the damage is already done.
Goddammit. I was winning for so long.
Not related, but I laugh every time my dad says M-air-io. I’ve always said M-arr-io. Is one correct over the other?
At what cost? Sandpaper-anus.
At what cost? Sandpaper-anus.
And then vomited Budweiser.
I feel like this is pretty much a Pokenstein. Interesting theory on Arceus as the base and/or Zygarde somewhere in there. Poor Zygarde. Zygarde Form Null?
All Hail Geoduo! That Psydrio though, nightmare fuel.