
Someone needs to clock my hand speed when I roll this baby across the floor. However, the model you mention is a Chinese car model. ;)

Might go over $10K, but probably not $15.

What is your NNID? Mine is CosmicSpeed, I will search you after work.

I have some lower played levels if you wish to search my Nintendo Network ID (CosmicSpeed). What is your NNID?

I would be down for something like the Cosmo, maybe close to the Eunos?

Yes. I wonder if you could possibly connect two “handhelds” to a single console for families. Based on history, I wont hold my breath, but this idea makes me all Toad inside. Yiippppeeee!

I bought two new copies of this game and neither worked. I assumed it was an update. It let me play about 5 minutes then froze, so I could never even make it past the introduction stage. Maybe I will try again with this new patch.

Now for a Lego pizza.


Yes, but can they Logo?

I am torn to say that you are my hero for making this, because that level used to make me so mad. I think I only ever be it like 10 times total.

Could they have gone after the late Batman Dad?

I am glad you posted this. My 2008 isn’t a fuel sipper, but it does make for fun times.

I like this show, despite its faults and agree with a lot of what you have said. I think I just enjoy it because I never read the comics so I am not deeply tied to the character history and how incorrect (or Not) Gotham seems to be treating it. Its a good concept that deserves a second season.

My first AC game was New Leaf for the 3DS. I just couldn’t get into it, way too casual for me to even care about my town, partly because I felt there were no actual consequences for not doing certain things. Leave for a few months, greeted with “Haven’t seen you in a while” (but everything is exactly as you left

Wololo! Wololo! Wololo!

Math is a lie.

I am going to be getting a shit-ton of Rattata’s, Pidgey’s and Caterpies on the way to work, I can see it now. Damn Zubat’s in the doubt. Traffic on the highway, probably Snorlax.

I understand and ultimately respect this decision and stance from Nintendo.

Assuredly almost 16K of nothing but burnouts, granny shifting and not double clutching like he should.