
No where else to post this this morning: I got around to seeing The Flash last night. I’m in actual shock at how bad it was. 

Oh this is the imposter dudebra. Get a life imposter person.

I don’t know which one to shoot

Yeah my english teacher the other day was like “I read a poem by an AI over the weekend and now I dont know if Ill ever write a poem again” and we students be like “dude maybe you shouldn’t write poems”.

Like I’m sorry but you can’t close Pandora’s Box. Kick and scream all you want Sam Barsanti but AI is inevitable.

Yeah Barsanti went too far with his moody tirade against the AI credits. A D grade is stupid.

The first time the hippopotamus character spoke I almost gave up on the show entirely. The CGI was teeeeerrible.

I didn’t care for Moon Knight but I felt like I was in the minority for not liking it. A lot of people were amazed for some reason by a latino guy doing a british accent and thought he should get an Oscar? To me it seemed like the first male-lead MCU thing coming off a train of female stuff so it seemed like a bunch

seems shockingly childish of Sam Barsanti

idk if it’s the “sticking it to Marvel” that he thinks it is. Seems more like he’s doing something unprofessional to me.

In the first review Sam Barsanti said he’ll be marking every episode of this a full letter grade lower because he’s pissed about the AI credits. Tbh I think they should fire Sam Barsanti.

Trailer sleuths who feel the need to interject their “visions of the future” into weekly episodic discourse can burn in hell. Thanks for showing up.

Is he confirmed for Ironheart? I didn’t get the impression that the MCU is connecting Riri to Stark Industries.

Fuck I hate trailers.

I don’t understand.... is Sam Barsanti trying to tempt his bosses to replace him with an AI by deliberately botching these reviews?

It’s pretty unprofessional of Sam Barsanti to mark this entire series one letter grade lower cuz of the AI credits.

This has be seriously think it’s a small dick thing. I came here genuinely wondering how the shows trucking along and I see a “D” grade. Be professional Barsanti goddamn.

Can we replace Barsanti with an

I don’t understand why the general public’s head explodes by the concept of more than one actor playing a character at a time. People are wasting so much energy on the multiple Batmans thing. Your comment also comes across bigoted considering Vera Drew is transgender. My point being people might scratch their head at

I’m assuming that’s what the letter from WB said

Hey “The Joker” belongs to basement dwelling incels don’t go woking it up with a transgender!

lolol fuck Zaslav didn’t think people figured out he hates black women when he killed Batgirl so my boi doubling down.

Canadian here, is 4th of July crummy like Canada Day (July 1st) is in Canada? I mean the shitty stuff that happened to indigenous people.