So does his thumb.
So does his thumb.
Oh man,imagine if they set up a whole secret underworld of Assassins like in the John Wick movies, but instead of everyone wearing awesome suits and living in cool retro hotels, they all have to protect to be Accountants and Financial Planners.
I still think Hader’s going to win an Oscar within the next ten years. I have no idea if he will, but I...just get this feeling that he’s going to.
You sound like an amazing person
Seems like AV Club is just as happy to resurrect bashing ‘Green Book’ as Viggo here is to keep defending it.
We get it, the movie’s problematic. I didn’t skip it because of that, but because it looked like it fucking sucked. Nothing I’ve read has dissuaded me from this opinion.
Also, Driving Miss Daisy did not win a victory over Do the Right Thing, because the latter wasn’t even nominated for Best Picture.
It’d be like saying that the ‘29 Yankees earned a victory over the Kansas City Monarchs.
Yeah I’m all for a little snark and sarcasm but god, it’s laid on so thick in every single article now. It’s just gotten obnoxious and juvenile and I feel like I’m reading something written by a try-hard high-schooler. Then again, the general quality of writing here has gone downhill since the great Kinjapocalypse.
accurately compared to Driving Miss Daisy’s victory over Spike Lee’s Do Tha Right Thing
Question for the AV Club staff: when did the site’s house style officially change to “be so smug and snarky that whatever credible point might be buried in the article is invalidated”?
He’s probably defending it because he was in it, and interviewers ask him questions about it. Occam’s razor, and all that.
The people who try to decide for the rest of us that “you can’t joke about [anything], when [bad thing] is happening” - are the worst.
I don’t recall saying ‘Good Luck.’.
It’s the 24th anniversary of “A Milhouse Divided”
It’s a good film, well acted, and yes, relatable. Not from Appalachia myself, but I saw echoes of people I knew (my own family included) growing up in poverty in Los Angeles. My wife did, too, with respect to her own family and social circles.
i pretty much stopped caring what she had to say after that. not that ready player one was any good to begin with.
Watching First Man you can see why Apollo 13 works and the former arguably doesn’t. It was made by someone who witnessed and has a great appreciation and interest in the moon landing. Nobody who was alive during the moon landing was a department head on First Man. Here Ron Howard is making a story about his father’s…
Jonathan Pryce as Philip? I love me some Jonathan Pryce but I think the show missed their shot casting Charles Dance as Mountbatten. Dance looks freakishly like Phil and would have been perfect for season 5-6.
This whole “Chris Pratt” is the worst Chris thing is getting old. I get that the church he attends has come really shitty views but religion is complicated and I’ve never seen him state those views himself. Is this just people mad at him for splitting with internet fav Anna Farris?
Why does Hemsworth, the largest Chris, not simply eat the others?
Fun facts about Australia: