
There’s a lot of dubious notions in the way some British liberals/leftists talk about the Falklands (exemplified by the absolute nonsense controversy around the sinking of the General Belgrano, where even the captain of the Argentine ship was baffled at why some people thought it wasn’t a legitimate target), which I

This movie should include the scene where Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly are mad that they have to perform right after the Big Bopper (ideally played by Ken Marino).

They even brought up the real reason - she was going to lose the next election and wanted a diversion - but left it hanging.

Already having flashbacks to Walk Hard.

- Isn’t it great being here, Buddy Holly?
- It sure is, Mr. Chuck Berry! People are really “rocking and rolling” to our music!
- They sure are! Mmmwhelp, I’m going to go watch a young woman defecate!
- And I’ve got a plane to catch! Hope nothing goes wrooooong... (Wink)

What if I told you that not everything needs to be bashed over our heads? That perhaps we didn't need lingering scenes of a stag at all to understand the metaphor of this episode?

The show’s first introduction to “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland (or to anything involving Ireland at all, actually) comes via a quick opening montage and then voiceover of the IRA claiming responsibility for Lord Mountbatten’s death as retaliation for “Bloody Sunday”—the 1972 massacre in which British soldiers

There are a lot of examples here, although I suppose if you compare that to the total population of the Earth it would be “just about nobody”:

It really seems like people are being willfully obtuse about concerns about cancel culture. It seems very similar to death penalty arguments I’ve had. I’m ardently against the death penalty, and I’ve had many arguments with people who seem to think — and sometimes outright say — that the reason I’m against the death

He’s just asking questions ... so he would be uniformly unsuited for this role.

When a house costs $150K, $80K ain’t bad at all. While I think teachers deserve their salary if not more, most of the backlash against teachers and pensioned public sector employees in general is from people who make less than that and don’t have pensions. And yes, Walmart cashiers are very much a part of that group,

Well, it’s not like you need an extra fork to eat steamed hams.

I’m sorry. I don’t think actual white supremacists are running around shouting, “I love fall, because it reminds me of the way things used to be.” That’s incredibly Amerocentric. The French, Japanese, Fins all love fall as well.

Oh Americans...I didn’t realize that I shouldn’t enjoy Fall or Autumn as it’s known everywhere outside of north America because of basic bitches, PSL or a racist American holiday. The change of seasons is often a blessing. No more oppressive heat, excuse to wear more comfortable clothes, the weather is better, the

I’ll go on to read the rest but I had to stop... what the fuck is a premature beanie?

Many black Americans still cling to the values and community of the church’. Well...What else should they be ‘clinging’ to?

Lost Hong Kong

Well. Fucking. Said.

Yep, I’m also gonna go with this take.

I agree.  All it really has to say is “Are you not entertained?!?!”