
Anthony Hopkins played a black man in The Human Stain. This controversy won’t lay a glove on him.

She didn’t become a movie star, tv star, headlining stand-up, or behind-the-scenes power after SNL. Not a star. 

A movie whose key deliverable to the audience is certain visuals can’t be successful. You won’t need to watch this movie to see every “outrageous” costume, and that’s the whole commercial premise of Barbarella.

I suspect that if the plaintiff is to recover any money from some entity called “Rust Movie Productions, first it must produce a movie called Rust.

Right, this phenomenon happens, but to what end? No one who actually matters is fooled by it. Who cares if some idiots believe a movie bombed due to bigotry, if everyone important can see through that? If your movie doesn’t make money, you want the people who fund films believing it wasn’t your fault, and that your

Has blaming bigotry for box office failure ever worked? Was there anyone actually convinced that misogyny killed Charlie’s Angels? What’s the point of this? I can’t see how it can save a dying movie. The people who actually care why a movie failed, studio executives deciding what projects to bet on, surely aren’t

I never gave him a chance, because his standup special was called “You Laugh But It’s True.”

So her two complaints about her experience making this movie are:

Those prices in the picture are Hot Wheels best defense. “So sorry we entertained your child for hours and now he’s begging for something that costs ninety-nine cents.” If the FCC gets its way those ads will be replaced by ads for something that costs paper money. 

There always needs to be one of these, and so far this is on par with Episodes.

It’s really terrible now. In college I would drink an enormous D&D coffee (“The Great One”) every day and loved it. Now I can’t touch it. The quality has plummeted. Most gas stations have better coffee and food. 

That ‘long time’ ended up being less than a year”

Really, he should print this and hang it in his office. 

Hunger Games has one of the more interesting cinematic “universes” to explore. Too bad they went with meeting every character’s grandfather. 

Also a better wig

The picture accompanying this story does not scream “equal star power.”

The president was not calling other accusers “stalkers.” 

keeping the dress made it famous”

but streaming services are not bound to that law—possibly because they weren’t around in 1934"

The Boys is great, but I think what makes it great is the execution of the series and not the underlying IP. I don’t care about this “universe.