
I swear I remember a time when flight attendants were there to serve you not harass you.

Yeah, I assume that if you didn't bother to leave me a voicemail then it wasn't important and I won't automatically call you back. The only exception I make to that is close family.

How about inland water transport (ie canoe, kayak, etc)?

Well played sir! I love that book! Tanstaafl!

for some reason that lead image looks awfully familiar....

that was exactly my thought. when perfecting something like this where tiny mistakes or miscalculations are potentially lethal, it makes more sense to do it where help is relatively close.

Ahhhhh please for the love of all that is good and right, stop with the animated GIFs!

Great! Then I'm good. The way it was written up, it almost sounded like the stuff was sitting on a BIOS level or something.

So it sounds like you're suggesting that a custom ROM does indeed get rid of it. So if one is running Cyanogen or something similar then this stuff is gone?

Devil ether!

This doesn't really look like all that much of an improvement over the VFX1 headset from the mid 90's! The VFX1 wasn't designed for 3D but still this is hardly "new tech".

Hearted. Really couldn't have said it any better myself. Haven't picked up a paper book in almost four years and I read constantly!


Or at the very least creationism / intelligent design should never ever be taught in a science class! If you absolutely feel the need to include it in a curriculum, teach it in philosophy or mythology or comparative religion classes where it belongs. Evolution = science. Creationism = philosophy.

That's fine we don't want you anywhere else either. Back when I worked in support, we dreaded any number with 212 area code. Meanest, most obnoxious people we ever had to deal with were from NYC.

Wow, I was hoping that was a preview for a new book! Good stuff...keep writing!

A retailer should be able to sell their goods for whatever price they see fit. If they take a hit on one item to promote the sale of another and this is a viable business model for them then more power to them. If Apple can't afford to, or doesn't want to, compete with them in the ebook market then they don't need

Ugh...why would they swap the back and menu keys from the previous versions? That'll screw me up for months til I get used to it!

I'm a card carrying geek and I love my Kindle! There really just isn't any better media for reading books than e-ink (and I include printed paper in that.)

@touwe: I don't know about consoles but I can stream Amazon on my Bluray player.