
Dunwich Borers was pretty cool though and definitely Lovecraftian.

Actually, if i remember right, Celebrimbor made the three elven rings last after Sauron had already left to forge the One. Once he realized what Sauron was up to, he conspired with Galadriel to hide the three away. Not that any of that really matters and yes, I'm a geek :)

I don't agree with the pet hair part. No, not everyone has pets and those of us that don't, really don't like being covered in and transporting home a bunch of dog or cat hair.

Have to go with Babylon 5 myself.

That's interesting and all but what does it have to with fantasy or sci-fi exactly?

Who cares? Not all of us want to burrow through all the crap on reddit.

The Bard's Tale, Shadowgun, World of Goo....

I wish more games would do this. Or perhaps sell a single-player only version at a lower price. There are some (maybe even a lot?) of us that have no interest in multiplayer . I personally got fed up with playing most anything with random strangers after my days in MMO land and it is really difficult to schedule

i'm almost 20 years older than you and feel exactly the same way. i don't think it's a generational thing. talking on the phone is just an inconvenient form of communication.

I love that feature of GV! Actually I just love GV in general but that one has saved me a lot of annoyance :-)

You should publish this as a story in it's own right!

After playing for about 10 hours solo, I'm not quite sure why everyone is saying you have to play co-op. I guess if you want to use the Siren class maybe you would have to but the other three are all viable for solo play.

I prefer to solo if at all possible. I always feel like I have to rush around and focus when I'm with a party instead of poking around in the nooks and crannies of the game as I would prefer to do.

Oh I forgot about Pontypool...that was a great one too!

How about The Serpent and the Rainbow? Not one of Wes Craven's best maybe but I'd still give it an honorable mention.

That's what it immediately reminded me of too.

This is certainly the solution. Unfortunately, a lot (probably even most) people aren't savvy enough to set it all up.

Suburbs here with Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy all very close. Still buy 90% of my non-food items from Amazon.

I think Amazon has a temporary problem with bandwidth as the service becomes more popular but they will certainly take care of that. I can't see any possible advantage to iTunes if you are not already invested in it. Oh and Amazon Prime is awesome!

I'm with you! I do maintain a cable subscription (mostly just for Discovery and History and such) but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit through 20 minutes of commercials during an hour long prime time show! I currently download or stream all the main shows I watch. If I had some reasonable way to pay for them a la