
Should open it to the public to sign on to the complaint. I hate to say it but I really think this administration would be willing to silence 23 people by whatever means they deem necessary. But if thousands or millions of us are signed to it then it protects the signers by way of sheer numbers it also puts a whole

They also want the government to keep their hands off medicare and VA benefits so....

God, I HATED The Sun Also Rises. But the final in the class I read it for had a question about which book we read was the “most innovative” or something, and I chose it because I was pretty sure my teacher would like that answer most.

Challenge! The worst book ever written is “A Separate Peace”

I just want to say, I’ve always consciously loved Dolly Parton. I don’t remember a time of her not in my life. Her and Gilda Radner were the two women I was drawn to as a child.

There are a couple of people who if I met them, I would burst into tears. One is Dolly Parton (the other Michelle Obama). Unashamed adoring sloppy tears of adoration.

Fuck those cunts at the Parents Television Council.

I’d be curious to know if that’s who he’s talking about or if once again poverty is a moral and spiritual failure?

It’s because it made him look like a tiny tiny man. People claimed his lack of combat experience, but I bet Obama would look totally badass driving a tank.

Sorry, but snark misplaced. This is good. Because shit like this annoys the fuck out of Trump, who wants nothing more than acceptance from the NYC society that has rejected him repeatedly over the years. He does not care about the people who actually elected him - they probably disgust him, actually. These are the

the greatest and most patriotic thing Twitter could do would be to suspend his personal account all operations immediately.

and was stunned to learn he could not conduct the presidency of the United States over Twitter

You know, I’m really coming around on the idea that those Nazis were really a bunch of assholes.

Wealthy anonymous Chinese buyer?

My Trump-voting colleague has spent the last year interviewing and going through the motions to enroll in a particular federal job training program that would have guaranteed him a significantly higher salary and better benefits than our current job. Hebjust told me that he can’t get hired now because of Trump’s

Fuck mike pence though trump only added him to lock up an important part of his base. Trump has already come out in support of gay marriage . Look st polling on most conservatives and they are fine with it too. This is an issue that is settled except for some crazies further down the base and I think that is at least

Except not everybody survived. And what was the cost? Where might the world be if all those shitty things hadn’t happened? If America simply existing is the goal, I guess it’s hard to lose. I’d think most people would want to aim a little higher.

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

One of the cuter White House Halloween pictures. Pres Obama and a small web slinger.