
Gus Kenworthy looks exactly like Jon-Erik Hexum, and it’s freaking me out.

I cannot. And I actually don’t remember her singing (much), so I guess I’m not really a To Have Or Have Not fan. (In my defense, I saw the movie once, about 20 years ago.) Given the way they constructed films back then, though, I’m sure it was somebody else.

Watching the episode now, and: HA! I fucking knew fucking Glee would fucking kill somebody someday!


Simple solution: Everyone answers “Yes” to the citizenship question.

Oh, my holy god: If the fucking question ends up on the fucking Census, just say “Yes.” “Yes, I am a citizen, and everyone in my goddamned fucking household is a citizen as well.” It’s not like they ever check to see if you’re being honest on the fucking thing. I’m inclined to register myself as a 104-year-old

From The Opposite of Sex:

No. It was Jimmy Bryant as Tony in West Side Story. And Bill Lee sang for Christopher Plummer in Sound of Music (and also sang the Lieutenant Cable role in the movie adaptation of South Pacific).

Does Sidetrack in Chicago still play their parody version of that scene? Where Maria overseeing “seven children” turns into Maria overseeing “seven hookers”?

Star! with Julie Andrews, and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

I just had to star this because: Aaron FUCKING Schock. I mean, what the fuck, you jackhole? You were so hateful and hurtful for so, so long, and now you’ve got your tits (and ass, and cock) out, tipping Mexican go-go boys, and, just...WHAT? Fucking shitbag.

Cosby’s a good one, but for some bizarre reason, I’ve been wanting to kick the shit out of Warren Beatty since I was, like, 8 years old, and now’s my chance.

Well, then, we should agree to disagree — I’ve had to work as a telemarketer at one point in my life, and I wouldn’t have blamed anyone on the other end of the phone for wishing that my entire office was devoured by a wave of demonic maggots, so when I read the book, that bit made me laugh. Hard.

No, my argument isn’t about the “vast majority of troops” having a choice. My argument is: “A vast majority of veterans didn’t have a FUCKING choice because they were fucking DRAFTED.” A vast majority of veterans had no choice to join the armed forces. Period.

The tone of the book hurts a television adaptation more than anything else — in the book, it’s hilarious that a wave of demonic maggots eats through an entire room of telemarketers; in the television series, it’s a bit more distressing to see that comic idea actually happen to apparent real people. The M-25 (or

Totally fine with McDormand, myself, especially because Mirren already played God. For God’s sake, let another female Oscar winner have a chance!

Did you watch that guy die of radiation burns last week? And you’re more concerned about a bunch of fucking dogs?  What the hell is wrong with you?

A lot of these veterans didn’t have a choice. They were drafted, and that was it for them.

Ugh. Not sure if my little story’s appropriate here, but: My father was 18 when he was drafted into the Korean War-era Army. He’s got dementia now — just boring, regular old-age-related dementia, nothing tied to anything he might have been exposed to at the Dugway Proving Grounds, or so we choose to believe — but

I couldn’t possibly give enough stars for this. Fuck that guy, and fuck everyone in Central Pennsylvania’s news media who kisses his repugnant, ignorant ass.