
Whenever Bork’s not on screen, all the other wrestlers sports entertainers should be asking, “Where’s Bork?”

They have a point. You’re here, and that equals ad dollars. You think you’re being critical, but you’re the mark. Your choice to engage with the content out of spite is the point. You got played, and all because they know you’re too smug to just walk on by something you don’t like without whining about it.

Left wishes to suppress the speech that it doesn’t agree with.

I’ve lost a lot of people to cancer.  This still made me laugh.  

With every fiber of my being I truly hate that I am about to type this but, maybe someone should call Kim Kardashian.

I haven’t been in high school for a long time, what is it like to get zero pussy?

This post is totally bullshit.

But how am I going to confirm that “The Mighty Orbots” was actually a thing I saw in the 80s and not a weird fever dream I had?

The scene where she tells off the demon possessing the baby should just be an embarrassing piece of absurdity. And yet she made it genuinely moving. 

Not one city in Texas? The Bottom? 5th Ward? Not one tear of love for the originator of Juneteenth? Yet LA is on the list (rather than Watts or Compton). I smell serious bias here.

Well I’m just talking about this particular case. If you don’t even know who Triple H is, there’s a LOOOOOOOT of context and history you’re unaware of in this case. The quick and dirty of it is that Chyna started her on-screen career as his bodyguard, then stayed in a role as the muscle of DX. They were in a backstage

The PR firm Hitler Youth’s parents hired is working overtime to try and muddy the waters.

With a side of SELF DEFENSE?

Well, it’s not exactly a secret that Tony Khan is a giant geek for older wrestling, including the promotions Cornette was in and inspired by. So...who knows?

The real question now is are we about to see another rise of pro wrestling on TV, with the WWE’s multibillion dollar contract seeming to show an appetite for the product now that networks are looking for ‘DVR Proof’ programming and wrestling finally leaving the shadow of the dark days of the early 2000's trash TV far

Now playing

You can keep your “WELL LET ME TELL YA SOMETHIN’, MENE GENE!”s, because there was only one way to address Okerlund:

There’s a lot to unpack here. I’m trans and I’ve spent my career thus far in customer-facing IT. I’ve long accepted that I will have both co-workers and customers who hate me. I guess that’s life where I can expect to always get the short stick.

By any reasonable measure Barack Obama is a compassionate and intelligent human being.

(In Ivanka’s voice)
