
Trump has had much longer media exposure than Hillary. He’s been a brash public figure since the 80s, starting football league and leaving his partners holding the bill when his audience leaves, building casino complexes in Atlantic City and putting his name everywhere and getting his picture in every paper and on

Yet you came to prove me right nonetheless. Thanks.

How many people came here solely to troll this article and the author after just seeing the headline and without even bothering to read the article?

That’s how you know the internet has broken you: when you can already predict shitty, maggotty troll comments by just the headline alone.

Him and Ishii was as ecstatically perfect a violent match as you’ll ever see. Probably going to end up as the best match of G1...unless he can top it when he goes against Naito.

Either way, he’s my new number one. 

Please tell me what drugs you use. I want to be so messed up I’m as incoherent as your post just was.

Ya weirdo.

I know right.  So pissed no Mox match with Minoru

Only dark spot: no Suzuki.

Come on Gedo! No Mox vs the KING!?!  Scandal!

The fact that you turned my request to eat dicks into a homophobic statement just shows how dishonest and sleazy you are.

It’s dumbasses like you who are dangerous. You don’t understand how you’re hurting people because your too stupid to comprehend it.

Please fuck off and die forever.

Damn.  Straight. 

Why do you hate yourself so much, bruh?

Was hoping someone would say this. You just played the Trump card. Good on you, sir!

The historical parallels are unmistakable and distinct and even a prosecutor who was at the GODDAMN NUREMBERG TRIAL agrees.

Eat every last dick in the universe, you fucking Nazi:

Are you still talking and not knowing a fucking thing about anything?

If you seriously are defending concentration camps because you are concerned with criminality, then you should be arguing in favor of immigration reform. You are not. You are defending family separation, concentration camps and now mass civilian

Your values and what you stand for are pure fucking evil. You should be ashamed of yourself.

What. You.Put. Out. In. The. World. Is. What. You. Get. Back.

Dear Nazi POS.



I’m sorry, but why is this bad?

Naive, yes. Mueller is never going to dip his to into this bog ever again. But seeing how both sides are spinning this statement into oblivion, I can’t help but wish he’d have an interview as a private citizen and tell us which talking head spinning on Fox/CNN/MSNBC is the least full of

Now playing

It’s this year, in a landslide. Nothing is more epically tragic than choking in front of the Khaleesi.

Starts post with name calling, gets whiny and snowflakey when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine.

Jeez, you aren’t even trying to hide your hypocrisy.

Disagreement isn’t censorship.  Free speech also means you have to let those you disagree with speak, too. 

God you’re dumber than a bag of rocks.

Idiot. I’m not shoving in the public’s faces.

You suck at this.