
All the other commenters have misinterpreted my point to you, which is that this article is not at all trying to indicate that DACA is a path to citizenship, but a measure meant to prevent someone from being deported if they’ve been in this country from a young age and have assimilated fully as Americans.


And this is relevant to the discussion how? It’s still wrong what’s being done and way too much actionable leeway is being revealed as part of ICE’s purview.

How does this dumb detail matter?

Everyone ignore the KIA/4chan/8chan troll. He’s too obvious.

I sure did. Thanks for reminding me.

Any time is a good time to say “fuck Sargon”. But mainly because he’s convinced that Pewdiepie did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have to apologize for his recklessness. Also, Sargon is currently tying himself in knots defending Milo, so fuck that guy.

Any time is a good time to say “fuck Sargon”. But mainly because he’s convinced that Pewdiepie did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have to apologize for his recklessness. Also, Sargon is currently tying himself in knots defending Milo, so fuck that guy.

Pewds isn’t a bad person, but did do something wrong - didn’t work on his bit. YouTube enablers are babies. JackSepticEye and Casey Neistat are adults. Time to grow up, YouTube.

Fuck Sargon.

No feed this troll. They came just to stir the shit and slink away like the coward they are. I notice Ithatca hasn’t responded to his argument invalidated in any way, so fuck him.

No feed this troll. They came just to stir the shit and slink away like the coward they are. I notice Ithatca hasn’t responded to his argument invalidated in any way, so fuck him.

No feed this troll. They came just to stir the shit and slink away like the coward they are. I notice Ithatca hasn’t responded to his argument invalidated in any way, so fuck him.

OOOOHHH. Somebody’s mad! Quit being so triggered. You’re such a snowflake. It’s pathetic.

Or doth the lady protest too much?

Bullshit. Maher was insinuating that the kid was doing it all for attention. He just said “I invented this” the same was a kid describes thing they do themselves. Maher took it upon himself to paint the kid in the worst light possible and plenty of so called “progressives” were all too eager to join in.

If your

Bitch, get yer ass back to Breitbart where you troll douche, cocksucking shit belongs.


Fire Maher and give Larry Wilmore his show. Wilmore completely stole the show on the part that was online-only!

But yeah, it’s pretty telling that Maher would be so welcoming to Skesis Nuts Papapapooplos yet talk about the Muslim Clock kid like he was Osama Bin Laden.


Totally different and false equivalence there. New Balance didn’t put out content that contains Nazi imagery or “death to all Jews”. That was just a case of Stormfront forcing their messaging on an entity minding it’s own business.

Pewds was making edgy comedy that flirted with Stormfront’s messaging.

If he admits he

But he even admitted that he’s not a veteran or experience comedian, he’s a YouTuber.
I admit a lot of his content was taken out of context by the media, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything wrong. He crossed a line and he took full accountability for it. Good on him for it.

It’s the fuckheads with their own

I’ve never seen Idubbz, H3H3, Pewds, Keemstar, Leafy, or even Sargon talk at length about the civil rights movments, larger social issues or any social justice issues at except to bitch about SJWs and how regressive and oppresing they are.

Nice try. No set of steak knives for you.

I think the point the shock jock assholes are too popular and have too wide an audience of 14 year olds that does more to take away from the good YouTubers than liberal outrage does.

But they are trying to get a reaction. If you’re intentionally trying to be provocative, you don’t get to ask for a pass when you get a reaction.

I do think liberal outrage gives these guys more power than they deserve. But these guys know what they’re doing, and they don’t get a pass from me for the discord they