
This is all Rick Smith’s fault. He’s consistently forced the coaching staff into this situation by always preferring to draft a defensive lineman when the Texans have desperately needed a good QB since they came into existence. And for those who say there were no good QB in those draft years, you’re telling me you’d

Cue all the 8chan and reddit idiots claiming their anonymous online advocacy was able to enact positive change when all it really amounted to was a bunch of cowardly weasels who managed to intimidate people trying to have a constructive debate through threats of violence from the comfort of their Twitter account.

Darth Vader dying a monster would have sucked. Period. This is a trilogy for kids and a redemption arc for Vader not only is better for all audiences, it’s tons more compelling than flat character development. You pissy attitude about Darth Vader’s eventual depiction and compelling turnaround is adorable, btw.

This video was obviously made before The Taken King came out.

Destiny is that ex-girlfriend/boyfriend who monitors all your texts, calls your mom a needy bitch and would rather watch The Hills/UFC instead of Game of Thrones. But man does she look good in heels and a mini skirt/has six pack abs and whoa is she/he awesome in bed. Which is why you wind up spending the rest of your

No, they were saying “BOOurns” instead of “BOO”.

With regard to zero tolerance policies, it’s the tendency for many school administrators to err on the side of caution, which has really caught anyone’s attention before. Ever since the Michael Brown shooting, though more and more parents are complaining when a school goes overboard in enforcing campus code of conduct

I’m going to say this only once.

They still cheer louder for the other guy.............the Spanish Announcer!

Mine took six hours.

Also chose which color shader you always wished you could use with Purifier Robes. All exotic armor and helmets can now be shaded......

The Patriots are the John Cena of the NFL. Always winning, always smiling, expected by the head company to be the babyface. Same “Aw Shucks” grin.

Now we need a final freeze frame of Davis getting punched by Anderson Cooper in America boxing trunks to end this movie perfectly.

Jorge Ramos has been the face of Univision news for decades. He’s basically the Tom Brokaw of Spanish language television in America.

.....the wind my only friend.........

The fact that your name is what it is and that you are so pissed off angry at JS pretty much validates everything he has to say and just makes you look like a whiny, angry little troll who deserves to stay in the greys. (BTW, this is our country, not yours. You don’t like it, you’re welcome to leave.)

Now playing

I’ll just leave this here. Thank God for Jim Fucking Sterling, Son.

Tell that to Darren Drosdov (Droz). Accidentally got his neck broken in the ring by D-Lo Brown. Tell that to Edge who had to retire in his early 30’s because of all his accumulated injuries, at an age most pro-wrestlers consider as still their prime. Tell that to Mick Foley, the king of wrestlers who did everything

You are obviously young, and don’t know anything.

“Condalezza Rice...sounds like a Mexican dish. Maybe we should send her down to Mexico so the Mexican’s will eat her! White power.”