
That's what you don't understand. NO ONE is attacking your hobby. We're just tired of people doing horrible stuff in the name of all of our hobby.

This is stupid.

Your only recourse is false equivalence and complete lack of understanding of the context of how GG even came into being is just another attempt to try as effectively and consistently as possible to paint GG as anything other than a rebranding of a movement that originated as a guy going on 4chan and reddit and

I know the internet is fucked up. But it's that kind of statement that allows the worst elements of it to validate and justify their worst behavior by saying "Hey….it's the internet! Deal with it" Which is cowardly.

My go to for finding Fallen Majors is in the Cosmodrone where the near the Rocketyards and and the area right before it. Lemon bar Vanguards always pop up every other spawn right near the Hive knights outside the entrance to the Sepiks strike. You can reverse and go to the previous area and a lemon bar vanguard

Am I the only one tired of the trolls communicating to the rest of us that they will win because they can? (gamergate, The Interview, Lizard Squad) Because I do not want to live in a world where my personal freedom and sense of self determination is dictated to me by some 14 year old d-bag whose mom doesn't monitor

I was a about to say to Number Yellow that Kotaku is the main site that can't stop talking about this game and even though they are frustrated with it just as we are, they also admit they cannot stop playing the game. That is probably the best endorsement you could ask for.

The longer a person has to respond to valid criticism of their ideas, the more ridiculous and shaky their argument is.

SWATing shouldn't exist with good police work. Not all calls need to be address with the utmost urgency and trust. Especially when it comes from an untraceable Skype number.

At first I saw my nephew watching this show and other similar Youtube video consisting of other people playing video games. I took the usual older than 30 approach: "You're watching other people play a video game and not playing one yourself. I don't get kids today. Lame" I thought he was a douche.

Go fuck your face, then fuck your asshole, then fuck your face again so you know what your bullshit tastes like ;)

She baked me real nice cookies. I'm an asshole, not a monster.

So you admit your were making a generalization about me based on where I came from? Do you even realize how you sound? How many ghetto mexicans do you know personally and engage with on a regular basis besides a guy behind a counter. Because if you knew more, you would realize how dehumanizing such a generalization

You know how racist you sound, right? And how much of a pussy you sound like?

Exactly what happened. Thanks for not getting offended by my mistake like I slapped your grandma.

If this is all you can do with your life, find a reason to fight with someone on the internet, then that's sad. Go back to looking for rape GIFS to fap to.

Now playing

I still have my PS3 and haven't felt the need to get a PS4 yet. Don't really need to.

Then why was it so hard for you to read a long sentence?

UFC fan got pissed, I see.

Watching J.J. Watt become more popular and exciting to the rest of the NFL fandom (even those outside of the NFL) like people discovering Cronuts for the first time playing for a team that went from fielding it's starting quarterback to considering fielding either it's third or court stringer in the span of a week is