Don't forget the Korean BBQ places
Don't forget the Korean BBQ places
You have never been to Houston Chinatown. Or tried Halal meat fajitas. Or eaten at the various Indian, Pakistani and Mediterranean restaurants. Or eaten at Niko Niko's or the best sushi bars in Texas. I ate at the German restaurant for Oktoberfest. So...yeah.
Maybe native Texans from Dallas. I have never seen a Native Houstonian do that, ever.
Don't get me wrong….Houston is like your overbearing mom who makes you get a job and guilt trips you when you don't visit and works you to death, but it's so familiar you forgive it of the grief.
Austin is overrun by out-of-state hipsters who send their BBQ back because they mistake the smoke ring for undercooked meat.
Keep ignoring the elephant in the room like it isn't there:
"Guy almost got himself killed trying to win. Almost got his back broken. What an IDIOT! HE SUCKS"
Ladies and gentlemen, Boogie2988:
I'm so sorry that you are so alone that THIS is the any way you can have any human contact. Because if you had any manful human contact in your life, you would be aware of how you look right now and how your opinion on this issue looks.
No one is axing you to play the game. Their just asking that you not accuse someone who is trying to do something different of "subverting your hobby" to fit ideals.
Excuse me for a second
We don't need any more beer.
I see….friend.
(Guy from Dazed and Confused) "They why'd you say that shit, chief?"
Then don't try and dis mine, then. That intention was clear.
Don't be a dick. There are more radical progressives in Austin, TX than is any other city in America.
Typical, souless, big picture politics that turn people off of politics in the first place.
And fuck us people of color and women and human being of conscience in Texas? You don't rage quit, you fight back. People in Texas in the major urban cities have had to deal with the whims and control of the small town voters who outnumber the rest of use by thte sheer size of the state. Please don't vilify all…
Undertaker vs. HBK at Wrestlemania 25.
"Women sleeps with several journalist, and uses connection to promote here bad game, Story gets revealed by ex"