TBF it doesn't help that Manson's voice is shot (gee, wonder why), but otherwise right on.
From what I heard the only reason Ripper didn't happen was because the BBC had to choose between funding it and reviving Doctor Who.
Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends.
Yeah, they even kept the chemical bath + lightning origin, which was a surprise 'cause I thought the bit where he got onto Felicity about how she stored chemicals was a shout-out and it'd just be the super-collider wave.
I want your soul… for the U.S. Army!
Imaginers Hamburger Lady on a 12 hour loop, reveals/makes up Al Qaeda secrets.
Nah, if you really want to get the Fred Durst treatment tell him you him better when Robert Smith did his hair.
Ghost-downvote for reminding me I used to have hair when I listened to these guys.
The Process of torture is no laughing matter.
I should have said f it too, but first time I got Courtney, which was just wrong in so many ways, and the second time I got Liz Phair, which was less wrong.
Bill is okay as Crow, but better as himself on Rifftrax IMO.
Not to mention the stench the costumes retained according to other comments by the cast.
Guinan works much better when you just fanwank that she's the Star Trek equivalent to a Time Lord.
I like the Unification episodes, but preferred the novelisation by Peter David, which has every chapter told first-person, with some interesting choices for POV characters (one is from the bar singer).
h-2) Becomes a hugely popular televangelist thanks to the beliebers still beliebing, then gets shot on stage by a super-jealous Kirk Cameron.
He thinks they were filming in a really big Safari Land.
Total rip-off of Shia LaBeouf's Parts: The Clonus Horror.
There's also now a Rocky Road Snickers called Rockin' Nut.
I actually find myself liking O'Reilly when he's on Daily Show. Needless to say that doesn't last beyond those interviews.