Cory McCasland

Her lifetime pass from me comes from Iggy Pop's Candy.

I'm apparently the only person besides Wright Lawyer with a soft spot for that song, but yeah, definitely the real cash-in.

It was second on auto-suggest.

I am so pissed Stephen Lang's locked up for the Avatar sequels because as soon as people started dreamcasting him as Cable for the X-Force movie I was like "FUCK YEAH!" Oh well, there's always Ron Perlman.

Yeah, I think they had him both as Xavier and as Mr. Freeze.

Same here, though at least they had the occassional article on how Bill Finger got screwed over or a bio on Steranko. Plus I'd have preferred their "Ultimate DC" to the Nu52.

Unfortunately he's sworn off blockbusters.

I was able to get She-Ra since it was a He-Man spinoff, but I knew better than to ask for My Litttle Pony, which I just wanted so my He-Men could ride them.

Only plot I remember was about two step-siblings who develop the hots for each other. Me and my friends only watched a bit of the first season, thinking it was the most mixed bag we ever saw - crappy production values and soap level acting (maybe lower, I've seen some decent performances in soaps), but interesting

Nah, I think it was the one where the Professor got his mind fried by a peace loving blob from space that might've been God.

Yeah, my mom loved NCIS but couldn't get into the LA version and said it was the characters.

Loved it, but I wouldn't have paid forty bucks for it. Thankfully I didn't have to - my stepdad worked for Sammons cable and got me a copy.

I took the cult part as a call back to The Daemons, and the other half was less a group and more a vengeful abused ex and I presume a sympathetic guard. Otherwise agreed, though.

Since Carol Anne Ford was a classic case of Dawson's Casting (she was like 10 years older than she played) then I think it's safe.

Archie of Mondas.

Or the Rifftrax forum worst of. Iron Man 3 placed higher than Man of Steel, and I liked the latter and at worst IM is just average.

Go home, 90's Howard Stern. You're drunk.

I'm not a fan, but I'm not a hater. I've seen enough to say "Yeah, this is well-made and I can understand why people like it." It's not for me, but I know better than to lump it in with Honey Boo-Boo.

Oh, you mean the average idiots who screwed up the MST movie and made WB give I Am Legend an awful ending?

It was dead before that thanks to a ridiculously high budget, apparently.