The PRT hasn’t gone 2 days without breaking down this semester.
4th gear: As a WVU student I can confirm this. I have several friends who have bought decently new cars they can’t really afford. They also don’t have the money to get them fixed when damage is done to them. Morgantown is hard on cars. I’d never daily drive a “nice” car in this town.
Drove my NA with the top down just as Jonas started rolling in. It really is just simple fun. Got plenty of confused faces and some thumbs up so that made it that much more entertaining. I rarely drive it in the snow not because I think I’ll have problems, but because I’m worried someone else is going to plow into me.
The 200 blows. Drove them all the time for Enterprise and couldn’t get myself to like them. Nobody in the office liked them. My only complaint about the Dart is its biggest problem, its not a “real” Dodge Dart.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Over the summer I was working for Enterprise and the one day I was driving the branch assistant manager and myself around in a new 4Runner. I made the comment that if I didn’t work there and was renting one, I’d totally off road the thing. He said that if its obvious the vehicle has been off-roaded, then any damage…
I understand we’re losing the manual transmission, but can we at least still get automatic gear shifters? I hate driving cars with knobs for changing gears.
Pod racing is cooler but Swoop Bike racing makes way more sense.
The video reminds me of big races against bosses in NFS games. Very cool, and I think the music actually added to what was going on for once.
Many Germans probably don’t know what a West Virginia is. Since some Americans don’t remember there is a Virginia and West Virginia.
It look like its supposed to be powered from all the bugs its going to suck through that front grill.
What is it with this administration alerting everyone about the military operations they are about to conduct. Keep it a secret and tell us how it goes after the fact. You don’t tell the enemy you are going to attack before you attack them.
I feel like its also important to point out that she has a tramp stamp. And her crazy to hot ratio is off.
I’m annoyed I don’t have a One(reason being I don’t have the money). Not that they don’t make it available for the 360.