You're either a weapons grade troll or you're severely mentally damaged to believe the nonsense that you write.
You're either a weapons grade troll or you're severely mentally damaged to believe the nonsense that you write.
so, because you don't understand something (or, at least there isn't enough evidence of how it happened) you'd rather believe that something that there's NO evidence of it's existence (god) is responsible?
that's a pretty bold statement to make without some sort of evidence backing up your claims at all.
Ashley is way more attractive than overly attached girlfriend.
agreed, I drive it's fat brother, the Ram RT, and i'm willing to deal with a lot of shit that shouldn't happen in a vehicle made in 2011 because of the character it adds. (torque converter is weird, gets 15mpg on a good day, lights dim when the stability control kicks on) Buuuttt, I can do really expensive burnouts…
"majority" lol.
nailed it, we're done here.…
try again, dumbass.
Really ? that's the best you can do?
at least it's true.
"Saying it's Obamacare for the internet is as dumb as some of the other stuff Biden, Pelosi, etc say."
pretty sure this doesn't really apply- offering a free service with your service is different than slowing down other traffic to hold companies for ransom.
white knighting for Ted Cruz? Really have stooped to a new low, haven't ya?
get an unlimited sprint data plan on a smart phone and swap the sim card into a 4G modem.
oh, look, someone that doesn't understand that "spending" inside of our own economy doesn't make money disappear, it pushes it back through the economy again.
I keep seeing mentions of heavy duty trucks being "too big" in the comments...
After reading through the comments I figured that I'd let you guys know that yes, a lot of cars look the same these days.
This is the same conservative method we see everywhere, refuse to fund things in government, then complain that they don't work. Ever hear of the Haldron Collider? The space program when it was actually funded? The interstate system that revolutionized travel? the NYC Subway system? These were all accomplishments by…
well, staying how it is now is certainly better than the alternative of getting worse. Sounds like the solution to your suggestion would be some form of publicly available internet provided by a group of people who aren't in it to make a bunch of money for shareholders at the expense of the rest of us... now who would…
There isn't. if you let monopolies run amok, everyone loses but the monopolies. that's why there are regulations for utility companies. since there isn't competition in most markets for high speed internet, just like there isn't for electric or water or phone service, it needs to be treated the same way those services…