13. The picture explains itself.
13. The picture explains itself.
Looks more like a flashight than a lightsaber to be honest.
@Subliminal Bukkake: *rimshot*
@oliveboy: Classy...
@Husher: Touche'
@nutbastard: Yeah, but the central seating position. I'd love to be in the captains chair of my 230mph+ rocket chip.
I'd like to point out that they were semi-automatic rifles and not "Assault Rifles". I'd also like to point out it doesn't have, in any shape or form, (But it does help) in the original video on youtube or the actual amber alert site.
@atrus123: Unrelated topic,
@MINIBOSS: They're. They don't possess Americans.
@Anachronous: Why would any kid want to see their parents naked?
@Fanboy: They made the back of it out of thin glass. GLASS. Not exactly the most durable surface. And I'm guessing you never accidently dropped anything....ever. Maybe you should go and chastise your mom for dropping her phone. She should know better, apparently.
@PACKFAN4LIFE: I wasn't aware that you needed to devote all your attention to one thing at a time. You must have a difficult time breathing.
@PACKFAN4LIFE: Your hand may be sweaty and considering glass isn't the most grippy surface..... You may not have a good grip on the phone. You may have been bumped while holding it. Hell, you could be a fanboy typing an angry, unwarranted, hate-filled reply that would make a 4 year olds temper tantrum seem mature…
@Lincolnsbeard33: I know you're lying. You used "Great" and "Twilight" in the same sentence.
@kingmanic: @dragonfliet: Not freaked out by the nudity at all. The fact that her kids are in the room whilst performing on the other hand....
.......with her kids in the same room? Really?
@PACKFAN4LIFE: Wow, coming heavy with the hate. So, because it ACCIDENTLY fell out of his hand he deserved it? The fact is Apple went with aesthetics over durability.
I really don't understand all the hate. He has the money to support himself in racing. Clearly, as with the above story, he has the talent. None of you can tell me you wouldn't do the same in his situation.
You mean, why is a Lycan in Tron Legacy? The answer is because he is a great actor. Except for the Twilight stuff.......Twilight blows.
@dmcshinobi: Is scared of 'Lil Ze: And technically, you'd have to compare Forza 4, which has a rumored 2011 release, to GT5. Forza 3 has been out for at around 6-7 months, and considering they released DLC right away, they must've been complete with the game for a few months before that.