Cory Noll

Eh? ALMS has seperate P1 and P2 categories as well as an LMPC category. It's just last year there was only 1 P2 team that showed up for 4 races or so throughout the year, Level 5 Motorsports. This year there are at lest 3-4 teams in P2 so all the races will be contested.

@OMGLX: They're reffered to as "Zimmer horns" I believe.


@Ants_Pai: The one thing I lament about the internet is the lack of ability to properly convey sarcasm.

@Ants_Pai: The one thing I lament about the internet is the lack of ability to properly convey sarcasm.

@Ants_Pai: The one thing I lament about the internet is the lack of ability to properly convey sarcasm.

*insert "women in the kitchen" meme joke here*

"Who Steals Video Game Consoles From Children With Cancer?"

@☭CHARIZARD☭: If the vast minority doesn't fillate itself and call most of his mumbling "heeeeeeeeeey" music brilliant and he the greatest artist of all time then good. He's not a "poet" nor is his music all that great.

@Nathan V: Apparently the average guy can't spell fool.

Can we move on from the world equivalent of reading a mean note about the fat kid in front of the class?

Now playing

Dylan makes nothing better, except maybe the BSG version of All Along The Watchtower. The only GOOD thing to be remotely connected to him.

We need to nuke Wikileaks from orbit. It's the only way to be sure....

@WestwoodDenizen: What makes you think that people who don't look in their mirrors when backing up will pay attention to the little monitor/screen anyway? Everytime I back up my vehicle I do it gradually, checking my 4 corners and mirrors at all times.

@dragon83: Livery editor, leaderboards, 500 complete cars with interiors, hotlap mode,.........brake And the damage model is better. The Forza damage model doesn't look like a plastic model shoved into an Easybake oven.

@kingkellogg: What racing do you watch when there's NEVER any type of crash, be it single or multiple cars? Peoples gripe is that GT is supposed to be THE yardstick for sim games. When your competitors have a semi-realistic model of damage in place and you don't, you don't seem like the yardstick anymore.

@WestwoodDenizen: In the off chance, this may open the floodgates for the government to mandate other useless safety features. Seatbelts and airbags I understand, backup cameras and in car monitoring not so much.