Cory Noll

@FrankenPC: Who was subsequently resurrected......yay pointlessness!


So still nothing for those of us who actually wear corrective lensed glasses? And no, Grandpa style HD wraparound 3d glasses don't count.

Since the Point Man looks like Jeff Bridges.....I'll allow it.

@Nexus6: by that time the PS5 will be winding down for the PS6

@Nexus6: A track in a game you can't play yet? That's why it's better?

Anyone else think that "Murdercake" would make a great Dethklok song?

@Zionth: That would imply dignity was existant before this...

@mrpibb79: I wonder if it's like a onesie that has the flap in the back.

First it was WW2, now it's going to be Afghanistan and Iraq? Can I just fight some space aliens or a war on Mars or some sort of conflict in 2239?

@lordofsword: Except there is, since there is no disclaimer of any kind. It could be made with game engine alone or it could be touched up later. You don't know.

Except that there is. Since there is no actual disclaimer.

@VTBen: Does it run great on regular?

@ArtForge: Plywood is a very versatile material. I'm sure a duct tape speedbump isn't out of the question.

So, another 10 months to a year for Yamauchi to impliment the controls to his absolute perfection for GT5? Spring 2011 here we come?

Video has been out for a while. Still not impressed with any of the non-gameplay footage I see. Unless it's 5 years better than Forza 3, it's failed in a way. Not to mention the weak damage system. Of all the cars in the game, only full on race cars will receive the damage you saw in the trailer. Production

@colewheeler: I concur. Not all handguns come with a manul safety or a hammer to cock. I own a Glock 27 that doesn't have a safety or hammer. It has 3 seperate, internal safeties to prevent accidental discharges(A trigger safety, a drop safety and a firing pin safety). The Glock was designed for the Austrian

@adhiza: Plenty of people carry a handgun as a backup, in case the animal in question is injured and turns to attack you. Not to mention anyone can hunt with any type of weapon if they choose.