Corwin Teller

Can’t remember who said it but there was this great quote about the universe being littered with the forgotten ruins of one-planet species.

Every single thing you mention (in excellent detail) are addressed by Andy Weir in his publicly available publications and most of it is included in the book The Martian. The ebook has links to his papers. None of the problems mentioned rise to the level of being huge engineering problems. As he points out all of the

The materials required are currently available and have been since roughly 1988. There have been hundreds of workable proposals using quite a few engineering solutions from temporary rotations during sleep periods in tethered pods to full rotational systems. The cost of doing most of the ones I’ve read is under two

Weir and others have proposed - and in many cases written very detailed engineering solutions including cost and material estimates. It is practical to do right now with current technology. The alternative is literally billions more dollars on expensive workout equipment that barely helps stave off bone and muscle

Very well put. Too many here seem to think it has to be one thing or the other. We can afford to do both and it’s in our best interests to do so. To extend your example no one looks at either backing up their computer OR getting a surge protector. A responsible, rational person would do both.

Honestly - and I mean this with no irony - been there, done that.

Exactly right. I’m a diehard Who fan but it’s an event when an episode takes place anywhere outside central Europe (when on Earth obviously).

Amen. That steaming pile of a movie (X3) basically made her skin look like a vampire from the Lestat stories and the powers she manifested were.... what exactly? Psychic battery acid? It’s hard to forgive Singer for doing Superman Returns instead of a followup to the excellent X2.

Ok look, I’m not in any way a grammar nazi but do you guys even bother turning on spell check or grammar check on whatever devices you happen to be writing your story? Seriously I’ve seen tweets that are better written. How lazy are you guys?

Oh please Gizmodo, clearly it was aliens. Duh.

Amazing! Who would have thought.... oh.

Oh dear God, this looks terrible.

I’m on board with this younger Peter and very happy about leaving the origin story (I’m sure the one person who doesn’t know the origin is still in a cave on an island with polar bears and inexplicable hatches, so he won’t mind).

What the hell? What order are those panels supposed to be? No matter which way I read them Pete’s words don’t make sense.

It’s stunning that on a site about cars there’s so many commenters that are breathtakingly uninformed about current car technology.