"Satisfy" probably wasn't the best word to use. But the Dev's made do with 2MB of RAM, whether they liked it or not, and that I find is impressive.
"Satisfy" probably wasn't the best word to use. But the Dev's made do with 2MB of RAM, whether they liked it or not, and that I find is impressive.
Ignore this, it double-posted. :/
Then don't watch vsauce3? If you want to watch videos where you can learn something, then just go elsewhere my friend. This video has a 19,000:300 ratio of likes to dislikes, meaning the majority of people are entertained. The video is meant to entertain, thus the video fulfils it purpose does it not? I simply don't…
I forget where I heard this, I think it was someone in Naughty Dog who had said it, but the quality of games go up at the end of the generation because the Dev's thoroughly know what they are working with and have to be extremely resourceful with outdated tech. If you look at this past year or so, that proves to be…
I'm building my next computer with 16 GB's of RAM! My first computer had significantly less. About 256 mB or something like that? It's just crazy how far we've come.
I understand what you're saying, but the point of the video is to entertain it's audience. Who cares if the "facts are of no relevance"? It still educates people with random information (pretty much what every "fact" is) and does so in a fun/creative manner.
I think the memory factor is hilarious. To think that now we need 8 GB of RAM to power our gaming needs, and yet almost two decades ago 2MB was enough to satisfy us.
Honestly, I'm not that surprised. There are a lot of different factors involved this time around. The economy affected a lot of people's decision/ability to buy a newer generation console at launch. So the people who would pay absurd amounts for a console can just get it for it's retail price (less demand, higher…
Ah, gotcha. I 100% agree with you. I mean look at Nami. She's a fish, but they just HAD to go ahead and add massive boobs on her... Fish don't even have boobs, this is what perplexes me.
I think Morello is the name of the guy you're looking for who said that. Not 100% sure on that one though. And I would argue that it's not true that men are necessarily hypersexualized. They are unrealistic in some aspects, but in terms of being muscular. When woman are designed in league a lot of their artwork has to…
"Having Boobs" has nothing to do with my point. Let me start of by saying that I don't care too much if a video game character is hypersexualized. Why? Because the video game industry is a business and one of the easiest ways to target the audience of 12-25 year olds is by having over-sexualized women in your video…
You're right in that my idea of a cup size is wrong, I guess I learned something today. :P. That said though, all I was getting at was that the video game design of female characters often tend to have larger breasts than females of that in real life. I just used cup-sizes to make my statement easier to understand,…
To be fair like the average woman has a B-Cup. Most LoL champs are C-D cups at least and most of these champs have at least one skin where the majority of their breasts are exposed. I really don't have a problem with this issue personally, as a lot of video games have hypersexualized design. But most woman (and even…
To be fair, I don't think we should be calling this a "business" rather than a hobby. I am aware you can make a lot of money off of youtube. Anywhere up to $100,000's a year, but keep in mind that is more for the very successful youtubers. He won't be able to do this for the rest of his life so this really isn't a…
100% agree with you.
All derf is saying is when he watched the original video, he thought of "sick and underprivileged" children who could actually use a ps4 it for it's original purpose. He mentions nothing of having to help people abroad... I'm sure the guy in the video has to pay bills and take care of a family, but he's probably not…
Take a deep breath and sit this one out, friend. You're going way too hard. You contradicted yourself by criticizing Derf_Vader for bringing up something "irrelevant" when you're the one who threw this whole thread of topic. He said nothing about anyone having to donate ps4's to donate to under privileged children. He…
I'm looking to build my own (and first) rig in the next month or two and have ~$1,500 CDN saved up for it. Unfortunately for me in Canada things are a bit more pricey, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. I like what you have but I have a few questions if you don't mind, since you seem knowledgeable in this:
I just don't understand why Blizzard is entitled to $7,000,000 after all of this. There is no way that $300,000 worth of botting licences cost Blizzard ~$7,000,000 in profit. (Legal fees were probably also included in there somewhere too I'm guessing.)