
Let's put a pin in this for when it shows up in a future episode!

All true. The show was content to leave the moment as it was, uncommented upon (I subscribe to the theory that no writing is an accident) so a nice bit of nuance.

Minor bit of noteworthy: no issues from Reg cutting said rug with the girls under one arm and best gay Kevin under the other. Not exactly 'character development' but perhaps some nice shading to an otherwise cliche character.

"He lied to his dad about being ahead in school, but the quick shot of his grades showed plenty of Cs and B minuses."

Putting in a word for Reggie, of all people, who by rights should be a mildly unpleasant superficial jock non-entity but, I noted, was perfectly fine partying the night away with Kevin.
< insert screenshot of the four kids dancing, Reggie with one arm around Veronica and the other around Kevin. >

Bad Habit Alert: squeeing upon seeing the fabu Blair Brown and thinking 'she did it.' So I reflexively assume that 'guilt' = 'party with the busiest IMDB page.' Oh, dear.

At night. In the woods. In the rain.

How did the murder of the naked guy raise the stakes in this case? It instantly became a kidnapping/blackmail/mob investigation and the murder was forgotten. Did he have no family? After the initial interview was his name even mentioned again? It served no real narrative purpose. Just like the nudist colony, which

Topping Curry (so to speak), no. But doing justice to the role, perhaps. David Bedella in the BBC anniversary production surprised me. Wasn't 'better,' but was his own Frank and very good. I think he conveyed the edge you mention.

I don't care whether they fuck each other (we're going to need a bigger boat) (or pyramid) but I look forward to how much they will conjointly fuck everyone else.

Nice picture of Sansa up there. But I barely noticed her what with the terrifying stone-faced Lyanna Mormont just behind her.

Not yet a fan. At all. Perhaps it's my own fault for missing Victoria Smurfit who tore it up so well in the recent 'Dracula', or a bad aftertaste of Sleepy Hollow's terrible Betsy Ross. No fault to the actor, but the character seemed so, well, obvious.

“Do all your people speak so enigmatically?” “Yes.”

With Terence Stamp reprising his role as rakish boy-toy who has no problem playing sidekick to a capable female-type person.

1. Yes, and I regret it every time.
2. Yes, because it highlights my lack of self-discipline.

"We're not having her back."

YES. Who deserved better. Played by Brian Poth, who also deserves better.

I wonder if Tim Burton, Bertolucci, whoever directed that 'Camelot' series are watching this and thinking "Eva Green was holding back."
Mr Carney might be just a bit in over his head, but I really liked Billie Piper here.