
There are these stations/satellites throughout the galaxy that receive and send trasmissions through hyperspace. That’s how people can communicate instantly across such vast distances.

I agree.

The OT hangs together waaaaaaay better than it should despite the lack of planning. But I think a huge part of that was Lucas having this universe in his head. Yeah, stuff got tweaked majorly throughout, but it all stemmed from Lucas.

This new trilogy stemmed from no one.

I didn’t see the triangle at all. Poe seemed to love Rey like a sister. 0 romantic interest in each other.

I totally am nitpicking! And you’re right the earlier movies often had some similar issues.

I just felt this one had A LOT.

I will say again though that the experience of watching it was very enjoyable. I enjoyed myself and enjoyed the movie.

I just really really hate planet killing superweapons.

Just let it be a fuckhuge fleet. That’s good enough! (make all the troops and crews clones) So we don’t have to wonder where they come from.

All must bow to the Reylo. Even Finn, apparently.

I’m not upset at Palaptine being back. Nor that his resurrection is kinda handwaved (being a huge old-EU fan helps with this).

However, you either seed his return in TFA/TLJ or don’t do it at all.

Imagine this - in TFA, we get a scene with Snoke where he goes to speak with someone we don’t see or hear - “who could his

Hux, a fun and great character, is unceremoniously killed off to further the bona fides of the should have been introduced earlier Pryde.

Speaking of, just what is the scale of the FO. It’s been three movies and I STILL don’t know. Galaxy-spanning Empire from ANH is easy to conceptualize. But they never ever let us

WTF was with Finn never saying I love you to Rey? They just end in a threesome hug. Ok, cool, but now that subplot just dangles unresolved.

Whereas I was TOTALLY fine with Zorii and Poe not kissing - because that relationship was established to be flirty and slightly goofy from the get go. It also was introduced in

What the fuck is up with that dagger? how does it only match the wreckage of the death star II from a certain angle? It was implied to be ancient. So palpatine knew what woudl happen to him? That doesn’t work....

The location of these wayfinders was implied to be long lost and written in the sacred jedi texts - so how

JJ’s apparent inability to understand how distance and scale works strikes again in this movie.

How does Ben get a classic TIE from the Endor moon to Exegol without a wayfinder or, more importantly, a damn hyperdrive?

It took the work of decades to build the Death Star. Where do these planet killing star destroyers

Not getting more of Driver as a reformed Ben is such a bummer. That little ow. The shrug. And that last smile!!! There was a whole entire level to the character we only got to see the slightest hint of.

I enjoyed the movie. But that doesn’t make it flawless. I agree with every single criticism here and more. I still

They were, but they still need reasons to do something. Palps was a master at using actual issues and situations to his advantage. There were many legitimate issues with the rule of the Republic - especially when you didn’t come from the powerful core worlds, not just the greed of the corporate actors. Palps used

I’ve made some comments in the Star Wars review thread..... not being able to jump to my notifications from there means a loooot of scrolling it I want to star a reply or reply myself.

I will say a few more things -

He bounced a bunch on the way down.

Poe was supposed to die in the first act. Isaac and his acting convinced JJ to change his mind and just plop him back into the movie with no explanation.

JJ is not good at planning ahead.

I guarantee he had NO backstory sketched out for Snoke OR the Knights of Ren.

He created mysteries and bailed, leaving Johnson with

Loved 3. Can’t wait for the finale in 4, where he’ll burn the whole system down with the help of Morpheus and Mantzoukas (I love that his character is basically just an intro for what should be a much expanded part in 4).

It’s gonna be a wild ride.

In a better world, the whole “taxation of trade routes by the Republic” thing would be buried in one line about how in the galaxy could the Clone Wars have come about due to something so simple and small.


Hell, they don’t even really reference it in AotC. The separatists are just kinda there.