
I imagine they had to go with end of vanilla class buffs/balance just to keep from going insane. How weird would it be to schedule balance patches using Vanilla patches? I bet if they do BC, classes will be updated to be how they were at the end of BC from the beginning.

Most people who are leveling as fast as possible are dungeon grinding their levels. Not questing.

Screw cross-server and cross-server sharding.

I don’t hate LFR/LFG per-se, but cross-server is what killed the WoW community.

Blizzard undoing that and then collapsing some of the low pop servers into the bigger ones would be a VERY welcome change for me.

Have you seen Big Bang Theory?

Monica thought the high schooler was in college because he lied to her. She called it off immediately when she found out.

No defense for Ross though.

I LIKED Dave and Alex together, but yeah, that show was deathly afraid of truly upending its status quo (other than the job switch with Jane going to work for the Car Czar*).

Ross did have an Asian girlfriend for most of season 2. Remember Julie!

Aisha Tyler didn’t show up until s9 (of 10) I think.

Yeah, but you’re comparing Friends to one of, if not the BEST, first seasons of any sit-com ever.

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but if I recall the way they treat Chandler’s dad is that Chandler is the one with the problem. He’s the one that needs to change his position. Chandler’s dad lives a pretty full and good life and there’s really nothing wrong with it.

I’m actually rewatching it (early s4 right now) because it’s something to put on in the background while I do other stuff. I agree that it’s not one of the all-time greats, but I think it’s in the tier below that.

The thing about the stunt casting I love is seeing which people are STILL huge and timeless and which

I really like Matthew Perry. I’m bummed he hasn’t had more success, but I’m glad he’s seemed to turn his life around.

I loved when Monica and Chandler got together.

Is the show dated? Yes. Does some of the humor fall flat in this day and age? Definitely. Is it garbage? I don’t think so.

Classic is all the way almost to the beginning. Warts and all. Patch 1.12. Though I believe classes are balanced where they were at the end of Vanilla for meta reasons.

Too many replies to get this one. *Shakes head*


For some reason, the prequel nature of this turns me off.* Maybe because the whole last gelfling nature of the original means all the new heroes don’t really win.

*This didn’t happen for me with the SW prequels and I can’t for the life of me explain why those didn’t bother me and this does.

She’s so awesome. And I want to see her in more stuff.

In the Dark Empire comic book series - A resurrected and cloned Palpatine did want to transfer his consciousness into Leia and Han’s soon to be born kid.

The series was nuts.

I want what Matthews got!

I wonder what my Japanese Rocket Six are worth.........

Don’t you DARE slam Doc.