I wondered why the year of flops for Walk Hard popped up. Now I see it’s because it’s hyperlinked here.
I wondered why the year of flops for Walk Hard popped up. Now I see it’s because it’s hyperlinked here.
The macguffin of Avatar is LITERALLY called unobtanium.
And it has supposed military mechsuits with giant-ass windscreens leaving the pilot ludicrously exposed. Even the exo-suit in Aliens was just a damned industrial vehicle - not military hardware.
Oh yeah that guy, but that was more a spy. And I’m not there yet, but I think that was in the books as well.
In the books, armies not on the move - like when Jaime was first besieging Riverrun, have outriders who patrol and can warn of oncoming enemies. We NEVER see that in the show except when lifted directly from…
Now, angled armor that can help deflect the bolts? Maybe..... But the bolts themselves just make no damn sense with physics. Flying dragons don’t count, they are magic so fuck physics, but the scorpion ballistas themselves fail on every level.
The show doesn’t ever seem to have the patience for naval battles.
Look at the Yara/Sand Snakes battle. the Iron Fleet appears from NOWHERE with 0 warning. It makes no sense.
The Battle of Blackwater Bay was reduced to Tyrion igniting a bunch of ships with a torjan ship bomb, rather than the complex plan and battle of…
I think the shitty tactics have ALWAYS been present, but ignored because the book version of such and such battle logistically and tactically make sense. - Battle of Blackwater Bay - anything having to do with Robb.
I just started reading the books again, there’s mention of things like scouts and picket lines and…
The general plan was to blockade King’s landing, partially starving them into submission - which would require neutralizing the Iron Fleet. You’d think Yara could help with that.
Eh, as someone pointed out on one of these MANY articles, a armor big enough for a dragon yet strong enough to resist a direct hit from bolts that hit with the equivalence of a crossbow bolt on a person would be massive and probably render the dragon unable to fly.
Watch Drogon only be mildly inconvenienced or unhittable by the scorpions next week.
Really bad writing killed Rhaegal.
I don’t know. The writing is all over the place.
It has to be a function of budget and the apparently insane logistics involved in using Ghost. I guess its an absolute mess using that wolf.
The Iron Bank may be Capitalist as hell, but it seems Braavos in general is far more libertine in its outlook. Machismo. Pirates. Freedom.
Also home to the Faceless Men. Who are most definitely not big Capitalists.
I think it’s more like Brienne has no idea what to do with honest interest from a dude. Tormund is absolutely alien to her.
She’s utterly unequipped to handle him. I don’t think it’s disgust. She was ok talking to him in ep2. Everyone was a little put off by his giant story and unique way of drinking.
I never even caught that. Damn. That movie has layers.
Anything like it today would never hit that middle ground. Shrek was far more tame and lighthearted. And anything aimed more at adults would go too far in the other direction.
Roger Rabbit is in this amazing middle ground. I watched it as a kid. And its a great kids movie! That also tackles the subject of…
Offside gets more complicated with the skate on the ice requirement (which is terrible). Or when there’s another player that may obstruct the view.
Refs constantly forget the overturn call on the ice only if it’s obvious part.
I don’t think a studio could do anything quite like Roger Rabbit in this day and age. There’s a ton of stuff in that movie that parents would freak out about today. So many jokes in that movie are not kid appropriate in any way.
The Devils won the draft lottery this year. That doesn’t really happen if your team did well.
Also, it’s a New York joke. Rangers/Islanders fans hate the Devils, because New Jersey.
This is exactly why the House wants its counsel to question Barr.
Harris is asking questions the way a prosecutor does: carefully worded and specific. Questions like that are much more difficult to dodge.
Not everything is in the report. What IS in there includes a lot of things redacted by Barr.
Also, the entire point of the original and extremely misleading “summary” was to set the narrative before the report was released. And it worked like gangbusters.