
Tongue planted firmly in cheek is the best possible tone for this show. over the top and campy as hell.

I need this in my life.

I also need repeated crossovers with Riverdale too.

There’s no point in impeaching him if there isn’t the votes to convict in the Senate. It would be a massive victory for the GOP if they tried.

This also applies to Trump being impeached.

They can conduct investigations though.

Hoo boy. Yes. Emphatically yes. In addition to what’s been mentioned below:

There’s a point made in the oral history that it helped him break-out because Chevy was saying his name every week (there was no roll-call in s1).

Depends on which season you’re watching. They’ve gotten A LOT better than when they started. I enjoy them now.

Read the whole thing. I found it fascinating. Yeah, he’s a total asshole sure, but he’s more than that. He IS funny. As the Dana Carvey anecdote shows, he can also be compassionate and warm.

It’s a great reminder that people can be complex and multifaceted.

They aren’t. Mythic 0s are not that hard. DO heroics for a while to get that ilvl up. Do some WQs for titanforges (they do happen) World Bosses, even conquest pts for pvp decent gear.

THEN do Mythic 0s. They can be hard if you’re jumping into them in a way undergeared grp, but otherwise they are not hard.

You have to be ilvl 320 to do Warfronts now because the Alliance players cried so damn hard that the warfront gives one random piece of 340 loot every time. and 1 random 370 piece each rotation. Each warfront playthrough takes 30-40mins to do.

It’s a terrible way to gear up. Play PVP for conquest points. Queue into

Wow. That’s....... That’s really bad.

Hi Yukio!

The needles weren’t magic. The bowl and bits of dead Iron Fist were.

I think the tough part for Danny was that S1 was basically an origin story. In S1 Danny never truly confronted any of the issues brought up in S2, like his anger nad overuse of the Fist, and the Fist being his only goal. They brought that idea into the fore in S2. Also, a lot of the stuff Ward is struggling with: Who

You won’t really understand a thing about the Meechums. And they’re a big part of the show.

Ward still continues to be the best. Which makes the season worthwhile.


Damn near everything in that shared universe has been retconned to hell and back multiple times. And there’s no consistent expanded universe either.

I’m curious if she had any comment on Black’s unequivocal apology he issued after learning more about what really happened with his friend.

The existence of the work of Andy Serkis (and obviously the animators involved) is a good argument for changing and evolving categories.

All I can think of is Archer quotes and his episode of Archer now.


I don’t think so, so of them are just so blatantly on the nose I can’t help but laugh.

I’d like the juxtaposition of Danny’s superhero life involving wuxia dramatics vs. the corporate intrigue stuff. Both sides could be great. While fighting as Iron Fist is his obligation to society, honoring his father’s legacy and the company he built and relationships with the Meechums can be the part of his personal