
Hey Yannick,

Great post, well researched, and I can tell your game knowledge is getting better all the time.

Poppy has a gameplay pattern that they’ve been trying to get rid of for a while: feast or famine. Old Fiora had it, old AP Sion had it, and Poppy has it in spades. When you’re ahead, you’re unstoppable and

How I heard it: “I don’t know wh-*UUUURP*-ere this energy came from, M-Morty.”

Haha, I don't know what it is about that champion but for some reason Shaco players are always on their own level of toxic. As an ADC main killed countless times by Shaco ganks I nurse a deep hatred of him... >:(

When I first started LoL I was fresh out of Starcraft 2, where for the most part everyone is polite (and

The feeling when I started playing teemo.

Couldn't agree more. Use the living daylights out of Just take every guide with a grain of salt since there are trolls on mobafire just as in game.

So true; good Starcraft 2 requires godlike multitasking. On an APM scale low level starcraft is at like 80 and low level league is at around 20. High level SC2 is 400 xD Honestly I started playing LoL immediately after an intense SC2 binge and loved its relaxing slow pace :)

Really awesome article Yannick, you did a great job capturing the core frustrations I didn't even know I'd forgotten while still learning league. So much nostalgia...

A couple of pointers:

Don't rush to play ranked at 30. Even if you're good at one role, because of pick order you might be forced to play any of the five