
She’s not rejoicing, I’ve been driven out of jobs I loved (by non-sexual harassment) and of course the scum were fired after I left, and it made me so angry no one gave a flying fuck while I was the one being shit on.

His disgusting Ann Hathaway interview where she’s there to talk about les mis and he leads with “I’ve seen a lot of you lately.” Alluding to the violating upskirt photo making the rounds... and she doesn’t acknowledge it so he presses until she has to respond. He’s a cretin and I hope he suffers greatly financially

I stopped watching Today after they fired Curry. They treated her like shit.

You know that she did a happy dance when she found out.

Yeah she’s definitely got more class than me.

I see Roker more as a “mind if I masturbate on the houseplant” douche over the rapey kind.

Some people vehemently disliked her, but I enjoyed Ann Curry. Her voice tended toward a low register, and that was soothing (especially compared to Matt’s sometimes-nasally chatter, and another chirpy host whose name I cannot be bothered to recall).

That’s the right question and, I think, maybe, I have one possible answer.

Are you asking me, a non-black person, if you can have permission to use the N word? Do you really need me to break it down for you why anyone who isn’t black shouldn’t be using the N-word? Stop playing stupid, you already know the answer.

I said the same thing! What does that work order request even look like?

You dumb motherfucker. You are a special kind of stupid racist:

There needs to be an investigation of NBC.

They pull that crap so often we got charts

I’ve said it before, but one of the most painful things about this whole Trump business is the complicit people, and they are not all just white. I would hope that his racism would be a deal breaker. I am unmoored when I see it, from people who I thought were ok or seemed nice or I don’t know were fellow travelers in

Every time I attempt to have the conversation with white folks they ask for, I try to explain that the worst parts of racism aren’t the KKK or the white supremacists that marched in Charlottesville. Those racist are the easy ones to hate.

You know the feeling. You’ve just walked into a fine retail establishment, determined to drive yourself further into