

A freaking truck load of people know who this character is.
Don’t confuse what other people are aware of with what you are or aren’t aware of.

If you were gaming in the 90's, you knew this character.
Another way of putting this, if you are a gamer 30 or older, there’s a good chance you know Mai.

You’re right!
Being a Boomer is the best! We got to enjoy humanity at peak consumption and will be gone before things get real hard.  Good times.

If someone calls you a boomer, just remind them that they lost the war already. We stole their future after all. And rightfully so. We drank their milkshake.  We drank it ALL UP!

Sounds about right.
For mine, we played D&D and Smash Bros at a cabin we rented for a 4 day weekend. It was February, so we had off season prices and a nice fireplace.  Good times.

What’s you views on all the folks who cosplay as this character?

I think they are implying that you just being alive is a waste of oxygen.
Not saying I agree with him... just explaining his insult so you can understand its complexities and the implied thread that came with it.

I’d take back every star I’d ever handed out ever if I could give you half of them all for this comment.

For what it is worth, here’s “+1000 stars”

Seems like an accurate description of many democrats too. Republicans aren’t the only voters prone to misinformation.

Political rivals will have a harder time misinforming you that your political allies. Always remain vigilant. Especially with your own party.

You folks threw a hyperbolic fit.
It’s one thing to disagree with someone (like your boss).
It’s another thing to flip out of that disagreement and act like the world is ending and then cheer when they resign. Grow up!

Dude didn’t say “stick to sports AND THAT IS IT”
He wanted articles be related connected to sports in

What’s with all the condescension?
It’s gross and says a ton about you.


because racism is very American

Agreed on Biden. But......... who should we vote for?

And please don’t say Kamala. We don’t need anymore disingenuine politicians pretending to be what they aren’t by latching onto social movements they don’t ACTUALLY give damn about.

Bravo, Microsoft/Xbox team!
The reverse compatibility makes me really happy I saved my old games. Especially Morrowind. So nostalgic to play it the way I discovered it.
(plus, I can get rid of the old consoles and boxes that are taking up space)

Umm... not true.
I think it depends on your circles.  I work at a company of 120+ people and most didn’t like it.  I have some in-laws that liked it, but most of us felt it landed in the “meh” to “wtf?!” range

This trailer couldn’t feel more hollow and forced (FORCED LOL).
I’m jealous of you and your ability to still feel something towards Star Wars.

I have low expectations for this film.

Seems like an excuse to have really shitty weighting and skinning on the MAIN CHARACTERS skirt.

I dig the rest of the visuals, though.

This is my yearly holiday movie.  After everyone goes to sleep and I’m alone with the Christmas tree in the living room, this is the film I put on.  So cozy.