
Well, we are talking about Ben Shapiro and his arguments about why he says he doesn’t help give mass shooters a platform by naming them and putting there faces up.

So I thought you were trying to say Shapiro names brown mass shooters, but not whites? Just trying to figure out how your comment ties into this specific

Are you referencing something specific?

He may be wrong in his approach, and that is worth debate. I’m with you on this point “we need to understand what drives this kind of hate.” The truth must be known. We can’t hide from it.

No, he does not.
You don’t measure everyone by the actions of a monster.

Well, I can see why Ben Shapiro & Co were desperately telling people not to share the terrorists message with the world.

I’m just happy that him and his team stuck it out with this game, they made a lot of money off this game and they could have easily said “fuck it” and moved on to the next thing.

happy with what the movie represents *WHILE* recognizing that it’s (apparently) a middling MCU flick

Wow... DON’T CRITICIZE THIS FILM EVERYBODY! Apparently you can only dislike this movie if you are intimidated by female leads... pshhh.

Are you trolling?  Seems like it.

Nothing in the OP sounds Troll-like. It’s a valid opinion and concern normal people might have, even if you don’t agree with it.

Even if this commenter has a history of trolling, THIS post presents substance.  So why don’t you address the idea in the comment instead of your perception of the commenter?

I can’t tell the difference between any of these images.  Are these supposed to be different cats?

I agree with this comments overall sentiment that the best way to move forward is to start presenting plans and outlining the positive directions you want to go instead of putting so much attention on how terrible another candidate is or how awful a thing is.  Lets hear some actionable plans!

Holy crap!  Reboot cosplay?!  That just made my day... maybe my week.

... you sonuvagun...

Does anybody have a full history of TF documented anywhere?  I’d like to get caught up and investigate.  Sounds fun.

There could probably be more super heroes. You aren’t wrong there. But we are talking about women in leads in genre films(the kind of films that are geared to an audience usually dominated by male viewers) which Superhero films are a part of. All of these went without controversy and were widely loved. These

America desperately wants an apocalypse for no other reason but they want to wreck shit all the time.

Genre films have been doing a great job with writing solid female leads for a long time. This idea that empowered female characters are new to the game is a manufactured narrative. I don’t even know where this idea that women haven’t been leads even comes from. Scifi, for example, has a long history of embracing this.

Some cities just need to die.

equivalent of being a libertarian who drives their kid on public roads to public school.

This old-timey sitcom-intro joke is tired.