How come no one told him?
I mean... I think never being able to hold down a girlfriend (if that is what he wanted) sounds worse than hearing you smell terrible. People would be doing him a favor by queuing him in on his reek lol
How come no one told him?
I mean... I think never being able to hold down a girlfriend (if that is what he wanted) sounds worse than hearing you smell terrible. People would be doing him a favor by queuing him in on his reek lol
Go with your gut. If you have negative feelings towards someone, there’s usually a valid reason.
What about negative thoughts towards OTHER people?
This seems like a good tip for how to like the people around you a little more... and who knows what that could create?!
Sure, that makes sense if we are just talking about a comments section.
But in general, this conversation is about the bigger picture and how we actually interact with each other, not just within the context of a comments section of some website.
Look, you should always start by trying to be cordial, but when that fails over and over again sometimes desperate measures need to be taken.
I’ll probably have more people defending loot boxes, than attacking them because “businesses gotta make money”
Fair enough.
This is one way of looking at it.
Another way of looking at it? This is all a melting pot. Cultures can come together, co-exist peacefully, and SHARE what they have. If you are not partaking in things you like from the cultures around you, YOU are the one missing out on all the privileges, perks, and opportunities you h…
I think he sadly overestimated how much the American public cares about hate crime victims.
Ummm... I love the original evil dead, the reboot, evil dead 2, AND AoD... and I didn’t like the show. It started out really promising (the first few episodes) but it takes a nose dive. Overall, the show is pretty bad. Poor pacing and... well... it’s just kind of predictable and boring.
I do.
*starts breathing heavy
I like the yellow tint... but I understand why many would not...
It’s hard(ish) to make yellow work with every outfit.
I like the yellow tint... but I understand why many would not...
It’s hard(ish) to make yellow work with every outfit.
Awesome. More pointless shit-posting.
It’s like we don’t get enough internet “pollution”.
Women are always called fake, rehearsed, cold etc. in debates
This is a great strategy if you ACTUALLY SAVE your money with the express purpose of using it to pay your taxes. Seriously. To anybody reading this, IF you can control yourself and are able to plan accordingly, this is a great strategy. Do this.
But for many people, having extra money available (even though they know…
Take cues from social media
The political compass exists on two axis.
In this conversation, you appear to be behaving as if there is only one axis (left vs. right). But authoritarians exist on the left AND the right. There is no getting around this.
It appears that you don’t like authoritarianism (that’s great), but that doesn’t mean that the…
Sugar cane is a plant. It’s white.
When you reduce something down, like they do with stevia leaves, they are pulling out and concentrating the element that makes the leaves “sweet” by dehydrating and crystallizing the extract.
You don’t need machines or chemicals to do this (but they do make it faster). The tribes in…
You’ve gotta be trolling. lol “darkrage6"???? hahahaaaa
No one is actually this basic. You can’t be real.
Which sweeteners is this study specifically looking at?
Does newer plant based alternative sweeteners like stevia count as “artificial”?
If you have time to clarify, thank you in advance :)