
I came here for this comment.
WHICH artificial sweeteners? Do the new plant based sweeteners like Stevia count? Are some of these alternate sweeteners even considered artificial sweeteners???

(cause I love Zevia soda... I am allowed one every other day... cause they are expensive)

Calling this a “war” or a feud is pretty inaccurate way of describing it.  It’s pretty one sided. Joe knows what Alex is saying but doesn’t seem to be giving it a lot of energy other than the occasional acknowledgement and a few short word/thoughts on it.

I think he’s one of those people who sounds smart and reasonable until you hear him talk about something you’re an expert on.

Kotaku has been solid lately. BUT... if I’m being honest, it is Heather, specifically, who has been crushing it.  Kotaku wouldn’t be nearly as valuable as a game news site without her.

That’s a good point too.
It’s like “We are in a pretty good place and we are looking forward to the future.... but you aren’t going to be a part of it.” Ouch.

They just could have done better which is why they’re firing everybody.

OMG. A voice of reason among the sea of outrage. And apparently you have a decent reading comprehension too? It’s in the black and white. Basically “We know we will not need people in these roles.”

They said “[citation needed]” not “[assumptions needed]”.
So take your assumptions back to where you are from: PretendToKnowItAllsVille. ;)

[Citation: Your comments all take place in Deadspin comments section.]

Actually, this is rooted in Russia’s macho criminal/prison code, where it’s taboo for a man to perform oral sex or touch female genitalia (зашквар). If you somehow get behind bars, and it’s somehow discovered by other inmates that you actually pleasured women, you’ll become an untouchable (lowest caste in prison).

Maybe I missed it. But why tomorrow, specifically?
And inside staff are fearing this. But besides the general vibe of decline and canceled projects, what evidence pushed them to fear specifically a layoff on 2/12/19?

This year, we were grocery shopping during the super bowl. And you know what we found? Empty shelves and picked over/messy isles. We went to 3 stores (including Trader Joes) just to find some celery. So... maybe grocery shopping isn’t the greatest item on the list of “things to do instead of watching the super bowl”

I reject the notion that form matters more than substance. We don’t always need to be genial and counter-argument is rarely going to sway the party you are in disagreement with.

God... this usage of the left lane in this way drives me crazy. I feel like they do it because they are too lazy to merge back into the right lane. IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRAVEL AT THE SAME SPEED, GET IN LINE! It should make no difference to you!

I’m totally with another commenters that there needs to be a study on this and other similar commuting information. This is super interesting topic. Especially to me given that I spend 2 hours of everyday commuting.

If I’m being honest, there are some vehicles I always assume will be slower or faster. And it always

I was so on board with this thought... until you decided to attach the myth America.  This idea of the nobility of religion is not unique to America and it certainly doesn’t have it’s origins in America.  Nor is it unique to Christianity and it’s many variations.

Wish I could give this comment more stars. Insightful and hard to dispute.

Let’s just all admit that Christianity is hideous and only functions as a broken clock per some of its platitudes.

You don’t think that... idk... maybe there is fear in him given that he is suddenly the center of the media and nations attention? Idk about you, but I’d have a hard time being my natural self in this situation, even if it wasn’t connected to controversy. I can’t even get in front of a classroom with less than 25

There is a now footage of a 2 hour uninterrupted live stream that might be able to answer your questions (plus a whole crap ton of cell phone footage from different angles). The kid didn’t walk up to meet him. It’s the other way around. You don’t need to rely upon the “accounts” of others.

NOW... this doesn’t change

Me too!
I just recently started playing the game. I had heard about all the negativity at initial release. But then I heard the game was iterated upon a few times into something pretty good. So I picked it up on sale. Very good purchase.

This is a positive vibe kind of game. And the small details (like the sound of rain