If you get in my personal space and smirk, your face inches from mine, the context doesn’t matter and the intent is clear.
If you get in my personal space and smirk, your face inches from mine, the context doesn’t matter and the intent is clear.
Based off of what I have read here throughout this comments section, I’d have to say I think you are good people. Thank you for classing this place up a little with real discussion and keeping it cool. Maybe if you keep it up, others (even those who disagree with you) will slowly start to follow suite and elevate…
Of course you are a trickle down crank and budget hawk. The European experience with austerity should put to lie this line of defunct economic reasoning once and for all.
This is a great counter point... until you got condescending at the end (“Amazing.”) and assumed malice (claims of cherry picking and “confidently lie”).
People disagree and come to different conclusions and theories all the time, especially with complex…
“When new information emerges, refuse to revisit or revise your view. Don’t grow. Don’t learn. Always stick to your first reactions. Especially if they are based in emotion.”
-Laura Wagner
Here is how a journalist valuing objective facts writes about this event:
This game looks like it lacks “energy”. Doesn’t matter how fast and pounding the trailer music is. It can’t hide the delayed and comically mundane death animations, unimpactful vfx, endless grey dirt, and slow pace. Even if it is turn based, it need not be so boring.
Sounds like you have a lot of experience with trash... it’s almost like you made a career of it!
It’s proof some people (NOT ALL) are only in this because they want to find something to be angry about. It isn’t coming from clear principles or genuine moral outrage. Selling anger is a business and always being angry is a hard to break bad-habit.
(Beet Arthur is an awesome alias)
This is a weird community. And I don’t mean celebrities.
I mean people who read and comment on Jezebel.
Everyone—regardless of background—agrees that old people—regardless of background—are stupid and useless.
He hasn’t made any sharp turns. If you compare his work now to what he was doing before, it is unchanged. He’s always made “edgy” jokes that many could find offensive. What HAS changed is the political landscape around him and the revelations of his sexual misconduct.
What number would you be satisfied with?
I get that this current number isn’t good enough. But what would be? Does the percentage of awards winners need to be near, meet, or exceed the percentage of black people in the population?
Agreed about Blank Panther.
Besides, its a genre film. Those have a long history of not doing well at these kinds of awards. There are exceptions... but no one should be surprised or hurt by the film not winning anything, if it comes to that.
do your part to call out shitty men like this so they don’t have to exist.
Saying “at large” would be inaccurate, though.
And apparently, there aren’t as many misogynists and racists as we thought! Thanks to this study, we now know that.
You should ALWAYS be skeptical of blind data studies/surveys.
If you aren’t skeptical, you need to start considering it. Otherwise you are ripe for manipulation. It doesn’t matter what the topic is. Statistics are too easily manipulated into whatever narrative wants to be told.
With this being said, that doesn’t mean…
It’s that whole “correlation =/= causation” thing.
If you eliminate the “male” part of that descriptor, I bet you will find that many of the female characters in the female led films still fall under that “alpha” personality type.
Doesn’t this show that the problem of misogyny might not be as widespread as much of the internet would have you believe. And if we are being honest, most of the NERD world has always been accepting of more liberal and diverse perspectives since forever. Star Trek, Terminator, Alien, etc...
This isn’t to say that the…