
Holy fuck! A true kindred soul! SPIN DOCTORS!

Agreed. The creative decisions on this are a real weird combo.
Mix em up and then sexual the faces and packaging.  Icky.  Ickkyyy!!!

How do you wash a weighted blanket?
Do the weights come out? Not sure I want this banging around my washing mashine or dryer.  I can see it throwing it out of balance in minutes... even if you try to distribute the weight.

How do you wash a weighted blanket?
Do the weights come out? Not sure I want this banging around my washing mashine

I get it. Thank you for this response.
So we are clear, I am not a conservative or a republican. I just disagree with toxic rhetoric when I hear it. Doesn’t matter which side of the spectrum it is coming from. And I, too, have a large number of friends and family who are conservative. But never once do I think these

You are confusing the actions/responses/beliefs of an individual(s) with the actions/responses/beliefs of a group of people. Do you know what kind of people do that? People who need to believe everything is simple black and white and then replace critical thought with prejudice.

This way of thinking has alot in common

I like the way you think.

Let’s make stereotypes for all groups of people. And then let’s DEFINITELY buy into the most negative ones so we can all hate everyone more easily.

That’s fair.
But then you should know why those people are conservatives (unless you don’t talk politics w/ them)

And if you are friends with conservatives, doesn’t it bother you to see some of the responses to your question? Commenters here see people with conservative viewpoints as nothing but faceless bad guys.

Why don’t you go out and talk to some conservatives? Ask them.
You’ll probably find that they are nothing like what you think they are like.

This website is too full of hate to have real conversations here.
Base rage and slurs gets more clicks.

Now that we are on the topic, the act of reproduction is super duper problematic too. In vitro fertilization is the only ethical way. Best part is, we can make sure cis white male sperm is illegal to use.

People are capable of safely hiking 24 miles in one day.
Granted, this is for relatively capable people and... they will likely get blisters like crazy. But still... it’s doable. ;)

Tyler Paulson is a hero. Seriously.

But you are going to have a hard time here because many people you are debating with do not have the foundation in knowledge that much of what you are saying is built upon. In other words, you are standing on completely different fields. They don’t see the facts you see because they

Tunnels can be connected through tunnel networks.

Foot travel can be destructive too... but I get what you are saying.
It’s why they don’t let people go onto or too near the Mayan ruins in Mexico anymore (they used to).

I thought we were supposed to be against pushing our expectations onto others.

That’s a good point.  Thanks for chiming in.

I’ll bite.
That would probably be considered harrassment or assault if it made contact. But I think you know that ;)

You should relax. The world isn’t ending. I mean... if you live all your life on the internet you would probably think that it is... but... maybe you should go outside and hang out with some loved ones.

Well, then... I’m dumb.

What happened in 1976?

Epic games is legally considered a person in the eyes of the law.
Considering corporations is a perfect example of a stupid idea made into a law that has created and endless “slippery slope” of b.s. and loopholes to be exploited at the expense of REAL individuals.