
he went on to say that the 13th amendment is worded vaguely enough to allow prison populations to be used as slave labor and that it needs to be repealed and replaced with something that outlaws that practice. And while I still think he’s crazy, that’s actually pretty accurate.

Agreed, on all three points. (That this sounds fantastic, that “everyday” aspect needs to be important to the game, and that the leaker did something really shitty)

I saw this and thought, WOW. But then... then I grew concerned with the focus on combat (it might just be for the focus group). I would love a game that

If believing SNL isn’t funny makes you a MAGA hat wearer, then I guess I am wearing the MAGA hat against my will.

I really don’t want this hat. I really don’t. But SNL isn’t funny often enough to be considered good.

Agreed.  I’m glad someone else thinks so, too.

Total missed opportunity here. You could have asked him to roll down his windows and turn up the volume. A new movie buddy for a road trip!

So... what year was this?  And you are sure you saw the VCR slot?  Cause maybe he had DVDs

You’re getting a “100% Grade Agreed” stamp! Yay!

As you said, it is ridiculous that a debate has spawned from this. But regardless, I’m glad you joined this conversation in hopes of clarifying the details for people and for illustrating that there are other explanations for how this could have happened :)

I’d argue these aren’t physics at all, but an animation and weighting thing. It’s why it only happens in one animation. And because it wasn’t intended, that is why they look “amateurish”.  It’s not supposed to be a literal boob simulation.

You are partially right. But once the crazy complex systems are built, like... a character rig, for example. Things can go in unintended directions without much thought.  As Vigilance points out, you can rig the breasts for animation and deformation purposes, but not intend for them to “jiggle”.  The fact that this

I would have to agree with this post.
Whether the art team wants to sexualize a characters breasts or not, it isn’t wise to completely ignore the reality of breasts on the female form. You don’t have to make them jiggle, but you shouldn’t just weight them directly to the spine bone, either. Believe it or not, when

Great cosplay.
But... those dogs (or at least Batdog) look super unhappy.

I bet the second the costume comes off that doggy breaks into a run and goes crazy all over the living room floor :D

You forgot to say “literally objectively” to really make your point even stronger. You know... since words don’t mean what they used to.

Is “objectively” really going the route of “literally”??? Such a sad state we are in.

I’m debating. Having open discussions are important. Like you said, this forum is the opposite of authoritarianism.

It’s odd that you think me disagreeing with the common sentiment here is the same as me trying to silence it.

This is why people ATTACK those with different perspectives, lately. There is no nuance in

It’s fine if you think this is a bad or stupid or an insensitive move.
Don’t buy it.

But getting it removed and bullying the company?
Do people not UNDERSTAND the Handmaids Tale?

Let me spell it out for you. Authoritarianism is bad.
Don’t force your will onto others.

That gif is perfect.
And this image you posted is perfect.
I’m gonna just focus on the perfection of these posts for while.  That will make me feel better...

Yeah... shaming people who might want this costume isn’t on theme with the shows authoritarian puritan regimes message at all. Not at all ironic.

Now here is somebody who really doesn’t get the message of The Handmaids Tale.

Authoritarianism = Bad

I loved that show.

Yeah... I’m gonna say the first era of playstation did some great work progessing video games but due to the nature of the games they were making, that this consoles games mostly don’t age well. Nintendo on the other hand... their games mostly DO age well.

Yeah... I’m gonna say the first era of playstation did some great work progessing video games but due to the nature

Strangly, when I think about Harry Potter, one of the first places my mind goes is the food. From the candy cart (and all the fun candy) to the Great Hall and the piles of food those kids always have available. Just an endless bounty of the best looking food. And always on theme for whatever upcoming holiday is near!


Watch out for those evil conservatives! WOO HOOOO!!!

Do you grumble about conservatives even when you are by yourself?
This article was about an individual stealing and you immediately start a fight about conservatives. What did you think was gonna happen? That everybody was gonna just agree with your shit colored view