
The scariest person in our lives is often ourselves, right? Or not. Idk.

You pointed out some of the results. How in depth do the results go? And it seems like you thought the two points you listed were accurate. But overall, did you think the personality quiz described you accurately?

I just thought I would add that the amount of information joysticks could register wasn’t what we think of today. They were basically d-pads. Basically only provided simple on or off states. The analogue sticks we have today allow a full range between 0 and 1. So .2, .3, .333, .456, etc. It’s how you get a stick that

Nobody does Nintendo better than Nintendo.

Didn’t you hear?
Blackface is an act of endearment and respect, now.

When one non-racist gesture becomes racist, one ACTUALLY racist gesture becomes non-racist. It’s how the universe balances the books.

You’re one of the best writers on this whole dang network.
This doesn’t add to the conversation much, so I expect it to stay in the greys.

I just wanted you to know.

Champloo was great. Not surprising considering it was the same creative team, I believe. It’s tough finding a show to replace what was so unique.

It might be better not to try, but to instead, find another unique show that resonates with you in a different and new way. Everything else will just be something to compare

Wait... you complain how this ruins your morning and then decide to share it?  Why?  In the hopes of spreading your misery???  THANKS.

The real test of politeness is when people disagree.

Dang... this makes me sad.

Sadness. 8 was the first non-snes Final Fantasy that I ever got into.  Nostalgia.

So... you want one of the core elements of your identity to be thrown into a death match? Likely to get its face smashed in while simultaneously burning the flesh to a crisp while it is thrown off a cliff???

That’s hardcore.

This is getting interesting.
Do you mind if I ask a two more questions?
-What troll-like actions has this person taken?
-How did you know these different accounts were the same person? (I can understand if there was a theme, but once theme was dropped/changed... then how?)

What does that mean? I don’t know tomato face troll.

Sorry to hear that.
Most disagreements shouldn’t result in hate. But it’s the internet :/

I would be in support of balancing the scales in ways other then demanding donations and hating on him for not spending his personal wealth the way you want him to (although, I’m 100% sure many people who hate him would basically be just like him if they had the money). For example, working towards him sharing a

“If you are not with us, you are against us.”

I applaud you on a surprisingly calm and kind response to the dismissive and abrasive comment that was directed at you. Wish there were more of you out there. Maybe people will see you as a good example?

The core of this argument is too nuanced to get out of the greys.
Of course the overall issue is multifaceted and complex, I would still like to see this added to the convo and debated/discussed in a rational and fair manner. (but we are on Kotaku)

He’s not a rape apologist nor is he condoning their behavior.
He is not in support of this gross behavior. He was commenting on the wider implications of how people react to those who have done wrong.

Agree or disagree with his take. That fine. But you don’t have to go from 0 to 90 on calling him, essentially, a

Look... being able to listen and update your views when new information comes to light is a good thing. Willing to consider that you could be wrong is also a good thing. It’s what keeps you from remaining ignorant or not growing. No one is born with all the info. And nobody at any time ever has all information on all