
If that is true, you can correct someone without assuming the worst from them. Someone else pointed this out to me in another comment and I wasn’t aware of it. Something about his manager going and ruining their opportunities when the woman would say no? Allegedly under CK’s request. Point is, the conversation

Specist. Prejudice againsts a specific species.

Wait... I didn’t know about his manager then damaging the career of these women. I thought if they said no, they walked away. If this is true, this is much worse than I thought. And here, I thought he was just being a creepy dude but was willing to let it go if his fame didn’t produced the results he wanted (which was

Here are the victims Norm is referring to:

In regards to Rosanne, she made racist insults towards a woman via a tweet, right? That woman didn’t lose her world because of Rosanne’s words. In fact, I’m pretty sure she just kept on.

In regards to Louis CK: he showed his penis to women after he asked them if he could. They

What he said was not “extremely stupid”. What he said was debatable and contrarian to popular perspectives. There can be no progress without conversation. You have to communicate with those you disagree with.

So fuck off with all the “fuck offs” and learn to be a little more nuanced in who you choose to vilify. I mean

I get what you are saying. And I fully agree it is screwed up. We shouldn’t stand for violence like this. But I have to say that I wouldn’t consider the occurrence of these events as “proliferating”.

Swatting and shootings... these things are extremely rare occurrences, statistically. But they are just very visible

Idk... I feel like if someone is shooting at my house, myself and, most importantly, my family, that it is natural to want to shoot back. Especially in this case, the police wont get there in time to protect you or your family since the shooter has already decided to start shooting.

I’m not surprised people would take

Idk... maybe... but being able to catch seems like a pretty important talent for a football team with Rodgers on it. And they have at least demonstrated that they can catch Rodgers throws with solid consistency. Unlike another team I can think of...

I mostly agree that having space being reserved for a group of people who have been given the short end of the stick isn’t really a bad thing. But I think that is where my agreement with you stops (at least based of this comment)


Funny thing is... she isn’t white.

Agreed. 100%
But I have to tell you something. The Root and it’s writers ARE the trolls. They got me. And they got you. And we are feeding them our clicks. Most of their views are rage clicks and they know it. It’s the only explanation for how such smart people can be so consistently dumb.

They are feeding people who

Also, the okay symbol isn’t a hate symbol just because some assholes decided to use it. As “Not Enough Day Drinking” stated in their comment:

1) What if you are wearing a MAGA hat and hanging with a bunch of people who are NOT white supremacists?

2.) What if you are not wearing a MAGA hat but everyone around you is, but THEY are not white supremacists?

3.) What if you AND the people you are hanging with are wearing MAGA hats but none of you are white

If finding love for those you were taught to hate isn’t a good message or solution to your own bigotry, then idk what is. So what if it is “played out”? And so we are clear, finding love for those you hate doesn’t need to be romantic love.

Maintaining the same general premise of this story, what details and elements

Too soon?
Maybe for some. But I thank you for this laugh.
(Humor is a great coping mechanism/”pressure release valve” despite some thinking it is callous to joke about such things.)

That isn’t a “hot take”. That is a well reasoned observation.

I just read his statement. It is not an apology. It is a statement directed to the public at large and it seems pretty genuine in expressing remorse and demonstrates why he didn’t have a full appreciation of why it was wrong then but that he understands now how/why it hurt and impacted these women.

I don’t think he

...what would have happened to a woman CEO had she been emotional and tearful about how hard her job was in a New York Times interview. (Spoiler alert: she’d be thrown out the same day.)

The whole “set path” wouldn’t work even if we agreed upon one, anyways. A set path would make it too easy to fake “personal growth” or rehabilitation. People, especially sociopathic individuals, are good at mimicking emotion and behavior. Providing an obvious and set routine to go through would make it even