
I’ve been reading your comments and I side with what you are saying almost completely. But I would like to add that I don’t agree with the sentiment of “we don’t need to help these people”.

When addressing societal issues, there are multiple tools at our disposal and multiple paths we can take simultaneously. I see

He reached out to her the day after their date to see how she was, she told him she felt like he had overstepped and disrespected her boundaries, and he apologized THEN in that moment. Then she gave the story to when she saw him wearing a TimesUp pin because she felt like it was hypocritical,

This is a valid concern. One that I am sure a fresh take on the brawler can address (but only if they choose to focus on that).

In general, if you gameplay loop is inherently fun, it should be able to draw repeat play-throughs. If it were me, I’d make the game approachable as far as controlling it is concerned, but

I know everyone has their favs... but I’m still disappointed you didn’t list Four Roses Single Barrel.

Are you sure that isn’t cottage cheese in your socks?

Every group has their “problematic” members. But the “group” shouldn’t be measured by those individuals. I think that is something we can all agree on.

I think your message would benefit from a little less anger and less telling people to “fuck off”. But besides that, your vigilance is a good thing.

I just think it is

Extremists make easy targets. I bet most of these guys/gals would be much harder targets because they pride themselves on considering multiple angles. How do you know they “remain silent” on Trumps actions? Have you watched all of their content?

I didn’t think you could improve upon the humor in the first comment... but you managed to do it. You deserve all of the claps.

“very moving...” lol

Thanks for posting the update...
I actually think the art is funny in the same way making Stephen Colbert into a superhero was funny.

It’s finally happening! We are finally starting wake up to our behavior.
(not to be confused with “being woke”)

Great write up! I love this part here:

Agreed. Filming isn’t intervening.

But if it ends up being confirmed as true that she was hitting the officer and throwing stuff at him, then that WOULD be intervening. At which case, we would need to ask, was intervention justified? Because there are going to be times when we should NO and times when we will say YES.


Don’t know why you insist the cops are right on this when it makes no fucking sense for her to have done that.

Shhhhhhhh... The fascist anti fascists may kill you/ “f**k you to death in a fire”

With that being said, I still agree with the overall sentiment of this thread: “Filming the police is a good idea. Don’t stop being vigilant”.

With that being said, it would be wise to not physically intervene unless you know damn well

I just hope you’re embarrassed you wrote this some day.

Thank god the fascists have people like you to lick their boots clean.

Do you know how I know you’re white?

SEE?! You get it.

I do like me some economic recovery!
And this brings up another good point. You can not like a public figure (for example: a president) but should still be able to recognize the positive. Otherwise, you aren’t being objective; you’re just blindly batting for your team/tribe. People and issues are multifaceted.

That may be true... but she is still untrustworthy and not someone worth getting behind.  It is possible for two separate shitty people to hate each other without requiring you to side with either of them.  Let em burn each other down.

If you figure out how to do this, you will have to let us know. I’d like to figure that out too!