
Holy crap! This is amazing! This is some of the coolest/best advice I have every stumbled across. I didn’t even know this existed.

Plus, now I can focus on my work while listening to my shows like an audio book!

The problem with meritocracy is it’s unachievable.

Does this Limited Edition have a specific name?
I’m gonna try and get one, but I don’t know how to easily look it up.

a nice psychological trick

It’s not just good advice, it’s CRITICAL advice for those pursuing the betterment of all of humankind :)

Shit... you are right. Guess we just absorb Panama too. Besides, that canal would be a great asset.

Oh yeah! And the oil! How could I forget about all the oil?! Lets grab that too!  It’s like people have never played Risk, before.  You win when you get all the stuff.

I wonder that too. If we ever have to choose between allies, we should support our immediate neighbors better than anybody else.

FUUUUUUUUUU... damnit... you are right...
How did I forget such and important detail?! Shame on me and my family for 7 generations! I deserve no stars ever...

Agreed. Why don’t we just dissolve the Mexican government and absorb the whole country. Then we wont need a border, we will gain a very large 51st state (with tons of great fruit, natural resources, and culture), gain a large sum of tax paying citizens, and gain the proper jurisdiction to fully engage & destroy the

EXACTLY!!! He doesn’t need to swallow the food!

He just will have to cut out the part of the review where he informs the audience on the “Outgoing Qualities”. Not a big loss. I wasn’t a huge fan of the pictures anyways.


most of these dickheads only know “fuck white people and fuck trump” but somehow they occupy the “moral highroad”. they have no interest in logical debate.

This should be pulled from the greys because it is actually reasonable counterpoint instead of just a reaction or insult thrown at the commenter. This is a comment that adds to the conversation and debate.

You aren’t a status quo defender. You are just asking for people to be better; kinder. There is a reason we remember certain leaders of the oppressed as inspirations across all races, genders, and orientation. They didn’t lower themselves. They had risen above.

Kidnapping and aggravated robbery (means the robber was armed with a deadly weapon, had an accomplice, or actually inflicted serious bodily harm on the victim) is pretty serious.

But I agree that it is odd how this all stacks up. The math doesn’t seem right. I think it is because the sentences wont be combined but

As someone who has only lived in areas that ranged from 30 min from Chicago to 80 min from Chicago (and also IN Chicago for a short stint), I can say that most of the state would prefer it if Chicago were their own state. Even much of those in the suburbs of Chicago would prefer if Chicago were a different state

That is ridiculous. I can see that.
But I am not saying women and minorities should shut up. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

Nor am I saying there shouldn’t be negativity and consequences for bigots. This whole convo is about the degree in which we take it to. Kind of like James Gunn. I think 90% of the people or

Left leaning moderate. I also have many liberal leanings.

I believe in every ones freedom to choose. Equality of treatment of all people. I don’t think peoples individual rights should be held or kept from them. What pulls me away from what people think of a liberal nowadays is that i don’t prescribe to most identity

Okay.  I can agree with that.