
Sweet champion you’ve chosen.

We can agree that we should be nicer to people with different political opinions once people like you and the right broadly agree that racism and misogyny aren’t political opinions worthy of that consideration, but bigotries that deserve no support.

You are not totally wrong here about the double standard I’ve made in these arguments. Sorry about that. This started as me responding to a comment way back that was along the lines of “Look at what those conservatives/right are doing” and my response was “Fuck... these kinds of tactics are rooted more deeply in the

The main thing in his “manifesto” is that it is the CHOICES that individuals make, not an inherent predisposition towards a higher competency between the sexes, that lead to a discrepancy in the percentages in the genders in certain fields. The claim is that it isn’t sexism that keeps women out, but the the choices

Sure. We know that he dug some easily findable tweets. But he doesn’t control how people ultimately react. That stems from where we have been culturally, regardless of where we sit on the political spectrum.

We’ve been developing and nurturing the “culture of outrage” and that is why this crap has gotten its legs. Not

Every one of your anecdotal examples of bad behavior on the left can be countered with categorical examples of thousands of incidents on the right.

Nah... that’s what people who were outraged wanted everyone to believe. His manifesto was neither bigoted nor a “manifesto”. Read the thing yourself. You will likely disagree with many of the points like I have, but it is by no mean this huge evil thing that it has been twisted into. At worst, it’s misguided.


I’m defending him because firing people over statements that have nothing to do with their job is idiotic in general, and firing people over ten-year old jokes is mind-numbingly, through-the-looking-glass insane. There is absolutely no sense of context or ability to ignore, let alone forgive, any perceived offense

People dredging shit up and seeing how people will respond isn’t calculated nor is there a “campaign”. That assumes organization behind this. But we can disagree on this.

What I think we can probably agree on is that this is a good case study for why MOB JUSTICE and the heavy handed enforcement of PC culture needs to

Thanks for posting this so that I don’t have to.
I’m genuinely surprised by the surprise of some of these commenters. We made this bed, now it’s time to sleep in it.

Personally, I think the tweets are nasty. But I do think they are likely bad jokes and were made during a less PC time. There wasn’t the outrage culture

So... were you pissed about Rosanne, too?
That was a real bad joke, right?  An attempt at edgy when under the influence?

Are we to believe they reflect anything else? Idk. Maybe. The jokes alone are not enough. The frequency? That pattern is a questionable one. Clearly this was a go-to line of thought. That STILL doesn’t mean he is actually a pedo... but it is enough of a warning bell to justify Disney separating from themselves from

It’s so odd.  The tribalism is strong on this one.

Thanks for pointing this part out.  It’s an important detail.

I would suggest that as the social radicals would try and aim to get people fired for “racist” views and opinions. There is not a clearly defined moment, it’s more of a recent growing movement that started before Trump was elected and exploded WHEN he was elected.

It’s hard to hammer down, but can I give a few examples?

It’s nice to know we aren’t all blinded by our ideologies.
Some folks hate how blindly loyal people are to Trump... but then defend really dark pedophile jokes because they are coming from their “team”.

Says the person who contributes nothing to the argument besides a rage fart. Do you disagree? Then debate. Articulate. But first, grow up. Because right now, all I see is someone who defends pedophile jokes most likely on the basis of “I like marvel movies and people who hate trump”.

GotG films are my favorite Marvel

It was a tangential comment used to illustrate that how we fight our battles will become how our opponents will fight back. I don’t know if I understand the time travel reference. Is that because he has already apologized for this stuff?

Because obviously something changed NOW that didn’t happen back then. The pressure

It’s hard sticking to keeping your actions principled when you are passionate, but there are practical reasons for doing so. Reasons that are worth reminding yourself of when you feel extremely impassioned about something and are risking a dumb move.

When mad, I try to ask myself, what would Captain Picard do?

Did you read the tweets? All of them?
This is a clear deflection. Don’t defend people just because you think they are on your team. Sick people are sick people. Being a liberal doesn’t change that.

Btw, I’m a left leaning moderate who LOVES James Gunns work.