Do you have an example of which cultures you are referencing?
I’d like to do my homework.
Please do not take this as a challenge to your views. I AM indeed, simply asking for more info.
Do you have an example of which cultures you are referencing?
I’d like to do my homework.
Please do not take this as a challenge to your views. I AM indeed, simply asking for more info.
That makes sense. Thanks for chatting with me!
A “trans woman” can be called a woman if that is what she wants. She need not have “trans” attached. Agreed?
And so a “cis” man can be called a “man” or a “straight man” if they wish. Because, honestly, unless you want a relationship with a person that results in children produced through direct intercourse, this…
I know there is a difference. I brought that up as an illustration:
The point is that one group is creating what definitions and criteria defines them. It becomes their shared language. THEN, they expect those who are not part of that group (or simply does not agree on the definition) and is expecting them to adhere to…
I think you are one of my favorite commenters based off of this thread you are having here. Thank you! Please keep speaking your mind. Your voice is needed here.
It also sounds like you are taking issue with some aspects of identity/group politics as they are today. IMO, they lack the nuance needed to address…
I do have issues with the experiential taking precedence over the factual or historical, rather than being of equal importance, but that’s a pendulum swing I hope is going to correct itself eventually as it has been long overdue.
Idk... seems pretty oppressive to force any label on someone when they ask for it not to be. People are allowed to have their preferred pronouns.
Especially given how often the term “cis” is used in conjunction with negative connotation and disdain by the LGBTQIA+ communities most vocal members.
“Rights” that can’t be…
Booo.... I was hoping for a better version of Sea of Thieves
Being disable, being a woman, being a POC or any other race doesn’t mean you can’t be racist. Nor does it excuse any racism you possess and act upon. And being a victim isn’t a free pass to behave in any negative way we see fit. We are supposed to rise above, not be pulled down into the shit.
And calling a group of…
“PUBG isn’t an asset flip!!!”
Dude... the thing with the camps is terrible. Splitting up families is... like... something bad guys do in movies where bad guys are almost COMIC in their depiction of how bad they are.
The last administration handled immigration very poorly, too. It’s a trend in the US. This is a bipartisan issue that is finally…
Peoples minds can be changed. It is going to be harder than just smashing brains in. But it is the path we have to take if we wish to break the cycle of polarization. And the cycle HAS to be broken cause it will destroy us all and our home. Metaphorically AND physically. There are those on the outside just waiting for…
Being against wide open borders is not racism
(although saying “fuck illegal immigrants” is unreasonable & uncaring)
But you assuming they have to be white or a right Hindu? That’s both racist and prejudiced of you. Be careful how you fight those who you claim are racist. You risk becoming racist (which you probably…
What defines a real life conservative?
I happen to know many Republicans that are not happy with how this turned out. Many voted because they trusted Trumps words (which they shouldn’t have). Many voted Trump because they trusted Hilary less than Trump...
And if you don’t think a “civil war” will result in killing...…
I’m on the side that doesn’t think this needs to come to violence. I’m in the middle trying to illustrate the foolishness of this direction from anybody who doesn’t see human beings as human beings. YOU are the one who not only thinks fighting is the answer, but is EAGER for violence. What does that say about you?
I think almost no one thinks they are the asshole. So how do we determine who the assholes are?
So you want to kill?
What views that differ from yours do you think justifies a war? Was there something in this ad? Have you ever talked to a real life conservative/republican? Or are you shadowboxing a caricature or a dehumanized “monster”?
People should be measured by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
Denounce the ideas you disagree with. But don’t be a racist.
Racism lacks insight. Racism lacks intelligence. Racism is lazy.
It perpetuates the stigma against plastic surgery, and promotes an unhealthy obsession with unnaturally “natural” beauty.
Who discouraged you? Family? Teachers? Peers?
Why would anybody discourage a student that is clearly performing above the rest?