
Most of these are CRINGE moments.
Where are the “best”? I need to start seeing some glory. Culturally we have a preoccupation with the bad. Every once in a while it would be nice to be inspired by the past.

Perhaps the most “woke” thing we can do is let her enjoy that moment, instead of attempting to project her into a lesser one.

Now, if you ever speak in public, you’re gonna overthink the hands...
Seriously.... good luck. I will be staring directly at your hands to see what you come up with :D

I know some people who knew NPH when he was in gradeschool and then highschool and they said that he seemed cool if not a little bit flawed (but who isn’t?).

Those same people know some people who know the real you now and say your a complete POS. Should I believe all these anecdotes? I think not. I’m sure you are a

It’s reasonable enough of an explaination to allow some doubt in the viewer on whether the guys was simply being a “dick” vs. unintentionally foolish.

It’s the difference between thinking “maybe that guy is a dick” and “That guys IS A DICK!” The outrage is ridiculous. Dude pats an alligator on the nose and somehow that

Testing the temperament before allowing more people to get close enough to move it. It’s a reasonable conclusion. It might now be true, but it is logical enough to give people reason to not jump to conclusions based off of their emotions.

And even if he was just “being a dick”, I kind of doubt this tapping hurt or insul

I read that he may have been testing the temperament of the alligator before they tried to lift it up.

Either way, I was happy to see people on twitter (of all places) asking WHY he was doing that before jumping to conclusions. Very surprising, actually.

Do you think alligators feel insulted when they get face slapped

That is a possibility. It makes me wonder about the whole story.

BUT... I’d say this obituary says more about the two children and their character than it actually says about her.

I’m wishing you said...
“No... this is my thread.
Here’s a comment that’s over your head.”

If it is JUST Fallout but online, then I will have to agree with you.
But clearly the Vault itself is an important part of this title.

Maybe it will be more cooperative than competitive? More about exploring, resource gathering, building, and helping a vault to survive alongside other players. That could be a sweet new

It’s about speed and volume nowadays.
Editors just slow the whole thing down and cost money.
(but I still think these sites should consider having editors... you know... to improve upon quality).

And besides, most people just read a headline and race to the comments section. Why waste time refining the part that is gonna

If this is his motivations, then I will agree that it is appropriate to shudder when thinking of Nick Cage (and I already do, but for other reasons).

That being said, nobody can confirm that he is into Asian women because I wants someone who is submissive. This is speculation and the evidence is what? You are equating

This whole thing is silly. Let the game be a game. Who cares if women to be present in the game?! As you and others have pointed out, the IDEA of a woman fighting in the war isn’t a stretch. 3% of Russian troops were woman. That may seem like a small number, but that is still a significant chunk. They served mostly as

We are watching escalation in real time. It’s only a matter of time before
we will all lose what we should be striving for. We are giving our opponents too much power over us and our emotions.

Instead we should rise up. Use our words. Win people over.

Every step we take farther away from a civil discord will be another

Can you please play the rest of the game? I like the nostalgia trip while I work and your commentary is inoffensive.

I need to know what happens next! (in your commentary of this game)

It wasn’t until 3.0 that the rules started to support minature rules better. Chainmail was not D&D. It merely inspired it.

Either way, the game never required miniatures.

“Rules are for poor people”
I lol’d irl.

So true. Also... I’m stealing this and living by it as my new lifelong mantra.

Thank you!
It seems to me that, in a general sense, people usually frown upon people when they are being more manipulative or disingenuous, regardless of the specific action. So this makes sense.

And if people are being real and true to themselves, it garners the respect.

Thank you for taking time to engage and educate. I for what it is worth, I think you are doing a solid job of explaining.

I do have a theoretical question though.
It appears that most of what is being cited in defense of those who are trans is the scientific research going into how the brain is structured and some other

Are you suggesting that there is something to be gained by simply being black? I thought it was more difficult to be a black person.