'73 E3

I 100% will and do discriminate against all trump supporters whenever I can. I won’t hire one, I won’t let any come to my Sunday NFL parties, I’ve cut off a half dozen friends and several family members. Fuck trump supporters. You made your fucking racist bed, enjoy it, motherfucker.

He’s no Larry Enticer, that’s for sure..

Let’s set aside for a moment whether or not you “agree” with disheveled rich Archie Bunker figure Steve Bannon.

So you’re one of those “actually both sides” types huh?

“The racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these monuments #durham - RC”

The racists are scared to death to turn this into a shooting war, because they would find out real fucking quick how small their little chicken shit club is.

Google “Fiat Spider Abarth Classic” and get back to me on this.

“I see a yellow car and I want to paint it black...”


I recognize that listmaking is inherently flawed and there is more than one album I, a woman, like on this list but I will legit fight you on “Kid A” come at me I’M READY.

A number of commenters have appealed to the humanity of supporters of these sorts of things. Don’t bother. They follow the “just world” philosophy. Anyone who is being arrested or deported is evil...unless they know them personally or it happens to them.

Racism? At an Indians game?

Who the fuck are we talking about?

You’re forgetting the best part: this thing would have heritage and access to the best car name of all time!

So I’m betting we’ll eventually be getting a pitiful statement about “sin” with a lot of Jesusing. Or he’ll just call her a lying slut.