Donald Trump, the man who couldn’t be bothered to even look at German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this year,…
Donald Trump, the man who couldn’t be bothered to even look at German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this year,…
What did Cheetolini say this time? I’m watching Predator at work and don’t feel like clicking the link to his Twitter feed.
A stock Boxster has half of the power of a Z06 and is massively slower around the track. If I were to reduce the power of the Z06 to match the Boxster then it would happily run all day and run roughly the same lap times. If you want that level of performance then you can’t run it for hours on end.
So I’m going to go ahead and guess he doesn’t know that the prime minister is gay.
Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum…
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.
This is correct usage of the internet and car ownership in particular.
I was wondering how her show would go when she moved over. Turns out it’s some kind of unholy hybrid of 60 Minutes and The Jerry Springer Show.
Fuck her for giving that asshole a platform to spew his filth and bullshit.
Counterpoint: Watergate took years.
Ugh, can we go back in time to whenever the first person decided these wheels looked good, and just kinda kidnap whoever that was and leave them in Havana with no money and no ID, so I don’t have to see these on every mall-crawling brodozer coming my way? I’d rather every off-road car anywhere had to wear bright white…
I grew up in Florida & my husband’s family is from Michigan. Not even close on the racism scale. Upper mid-west is way worse than the south. I was surprised. At least in the south people seem to know when they are bigots, the mid-westerners don’t seem to acknowledge their behavior.
I grew up mowing a giant, mangy lawn. My family lived on an acre of hilltop land, which we kept shaggily mowed, too…
This makes me irrationally angry.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams
Until Nicky Hayden showed up in MotoGP, there was little anybody could do about Italian legend Valentino Rossi’s…
I cannot believe this right now; an absolute gentleman of the sport and a huge inspiration to myself to get in to motorcycle racing. RIP & deepest condolences to his family, fiance, and millions of friends & fans across the world.
[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]
Glorifying traitors to the United States who fought to preserve slavery isn’t honoring history, it’s honoring tyrants.
Sorry to hear you think statues honoring people who killed people to ensure that they could own and enslave other people are a good thing.