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If Apple's history denotes any trend, this possible great new feature at the heart of OSX will simply be something that everyone else has already been doing for years, but since Apple's doing it now it's revolutionary.

@FritzLaurel: The Russians gotta be best at something!

@coldfuzion: Naw, just had read the article on Giz a little ways down the page.

Perfect for when your wife freaks out and starts throwing stuff at you!

You guys aren't going to try to link those big monoliths in the stores with this announcement? Really?

@secretmanofagent: I definitely won't argue for the legitimacy of this article cause it does sound like a load of crap.

I became a starred commenter too. Were the mods feeling friendly today?

@philibuster: I tend not to believe in any of this sort of stupid crap either, but there might be a smidgen of truth behind this.

All is fair in love and cell phone wars right?

Yo man, I got this shit. Get you fucked up. It's called Foxconn. Make you all giddy and shit. You might get sick to yo stomach though so watch out. But it's a good ride maaannn.

I wonder how much "gay" material has been banned/censored by Apple? It's only hetero stuff they censor; it seems you never hear about Apple censoring anything dealing with the gay or lesbian community/books/software/music/whatever. That'd be much like shooting oneself in the foot. ;)

@C3PA: Bravo!

So how much does the 12 core Mac cost? I didn't see a price. I'm guessing that if the base model is $2,500 then the 12 core model is $1gagillion

I've worked a number of elections. Saying that requiring many people to work together wouldn't work just blows my mind. Does anyone realize how many thousands of people are required to work together right now with our current set up in order to even have elections? Paper or electronic it doesn't matter.

@demonheart1514: Man! This is the innernet. This is serious bisniss.

@demonheart1514: Huh? Are you seriously defending the fact that you have to hold your hand a certain way to use their phone? That antenna spot is in the single most common spot to hold a phone. And if you hold it there your service drops almost completely. You don't need to grip it like a gorilla, just one finger over

What's stupid, is that this is all just PR crap. Like hey, look at us, we got this high tech facility for testing our devices and making sure they don't have any problems. But oh yea, please forget that we shipped millions of phones with a very simple and nasty antenna defect.

Where do they do this? I've never seen or heard of a counterfeiting ring. Isn't it much easier these days to download it? Maybe put it on a cheap thumb drive? I dunno, seems a little silly to me.

Molten salt. That just has an awesome ring to it doesn't it?